The Gist of C++: Objects as Resource Owners

How C++ Differentiates Itself from C and Java

Dagang Wei
6 min readJun 23, 2024

This blog post is part of the series Modern C++.


C++ is a powerful language with a rich history and a multitude of features. However, amidst this complexity lies a fundamental concept that underpins much of C++’s design philosophy and best practices: objects as resource owners. Understanding this concept, and the related concept of ownership transfer, is key to writing correct, efficient, and maintainable C++ code.

C++’s Unique Way of Memory Management

The way a programming language handles memory is a defining characteristic, often shaping its strengths and weaknesses. Let’s take a closer look at how C++, C, and Java approach memory management:

In C, you are the ultimate memory master. You have the power of malloc and free, or their siblings calloc and realloc, to meticulously allocate and deallocate memory as you see fit. This fine-grained control can lead to exceptional performance, but it also places the burden of correct memory management squarely on your shoulders. Forget to free what you've malloc-ed, and you've introduced a memory leak. Try to access memory that's already been released, and your program may crash spectacularly.

Java takes a fundamentally different approach. It employs a garbage collector, a background process that automatically reclaims memory that is no longer in use. This liberates you from the tedium (and potential pitfalls) of manual memory management. However, this convenience comes at a price. The garbage collector introduces runtime overhead, and its operations can lead to unpredictable pauses in your program’s execution.

“Objects as Resource Owners” is C++’s unique way of memory management. In C++, you can still directly manage memory using new and delete, but you're encouraged to wrap these operations within objects that take ownership of the allocated resources. When these objects go out of scope, their destructors automatically clean up the resources they own, ensuring a graceful and leak-free exit.

But C++ doesn’t stop there. It offers smart pointers (std::unique_ptr and std::shared_ptr) that act as resource-managing wrappers around raw pointers, taking the burden of manual deallocation off your back. This makes C++ a remarkably versatile language for memory management.

What Does “Resource Ownership” Mean?

In the realm of C++, a “resource” is anything that needs to be acquired, used, and eventually released. This includes memory, files, network connections, locks, and more. Resource ownership is the idea that every resource should be “owned” by a specific C++ object. This object is responsible for the resource’s lifetime — it acquires the resource (typically in its constructor), uses it as needed, and releases it (typically in its destructor).


Here’s an example class LogManager where resources are allocated in the constructor and released in the destructor:

#include <fstream>
#include <memory> // For std::unique_ptr

class LogManager {
LogManager(const std::string& filename, size_t bufferSize = 1024)
: logFile(std::make_unique<std::ofstream>(filename)),
data(new char[bufferSize]) { // Allocate memory in constructor

if (!logFile->is_open()) {
throw std::runtime_error("Could not open log file");

~LogManager() {
delete[] data; // Release memory in destructor

void logData(const std::string& message) {
// ... (Logic for logging using the 'data' buffer) ...

std::unique_ptr<std::ofstream> logFile; // Owns the file resource
size_t bufferSize; // Size of the allocated buffer
char* data; // Pointer to the allocated buffer

Memory Allocation in Constructor:

  • The constructor now takes an optional bufferSize argument (with a default of 1024 bytes).
  • It dynamically allocates a char array of the specified size using new char[bufferSize] and stores the pointer in the data member.
  • The bufferSize is also stored for later use.

Memory Release in Destructor:

  • The destructor uses delete[] data to properly deallocate the dynamically allocated array. This is essential to prevent memory leaks.

Key Points

  • RAII in Action: This example demonstrates the core of RAII (Resource Acquisition Is Initialization). The resource (memory) is acquired in the constructor, guaranteeing that it will be available for the object’s lifetime. The destructor ensures that the resource is released, even if an exception occurs.
  • Clear Ownership: The LogManager object clearly owns both the file and the memory buffer. There is no ambiguity about who is responsible for managing these resources.
  • Flexibility: You can easily adjust the buffer size by changing the argument passed to the constructor.

Ownership Transfer

In addition to managing the lifetime of resources, objects can also transfer ownership of those resources to other objects. This is particularly important when dealing with unique resources that cannot be shared, such as file handles or certain types of memory allocations.

C++ provides mechanisms for ownership transfer, most notably through the use of:

  • Move Semantics (std::move): This operation transfers ownership of a resource from one object to another, leaving the original object in a valid but unspecified state. It's often used with std::unique_ptr.
  • std::unique_ptr: This smart pointer represents exclusive ownership of a resource. You can transfer ownership using std::move.
  • The “Sink” Pattern: This involves passing ownership of a resource to a function or object that takes responsibility for its release.
#include <memory>
#include <vector>

class DataBuffer {
DataBuffer(size_t size) : data(new char[size]), size(size) {}
~DataBuffer() { delete[] data; }

// Move constructor (transfers ownership)
DataBuffer(DataBuffer&& other) noexcept
: data(, size(other.size) { = nullptr; // Reset source pointer
other.size = 0;

char* data;
size_t size;

void processData(DataBuffer buffer) { // Takes ownership by value
// ... use the buffer ...

int main() {
std::vector<DataBuffer> buffers;
buffers.emplace_back(1024); // Create buffer
processData(std::move(buffers.back())); // Transfer ownership to function
buffers.pop_back(); // Remove the now-empty buffer from the vector

In this example:

  • A DataBuffer is created and added to a vector.
  • The processData function takes a DataBuffer by value.
  • Ownership of the buffer is transferred from the vector to the function using std::move.
  • The function now has exclusive ownership of the buffer’s data and is responsible for deleting it when it goes out of scope. The original buffer in the vector is left in an “empty” state.

Shared Ownership

Sometimes, it’s desirable for multiple objects to share ownership of a resource. This is where std::shared_ptr comes into play. std::shared_ptr is a smart pointer that keeps track of how many objects are referencing a resource. The resource is only released when the last std::shared_ptr referencing it is destroyed.

#include <memory>
#include <string>

class Image {
Image(const std::string& filename) { /* Load image from file */ }
// ... other methods ...

int main() {
std::shared_ptr<Image> img1 = std::make_shared<Image>("photo.jpg");
std::shared_ptr<Image> img2 = img1; // Both img1 and img2 now share ownership

// img1 goes out of scope, but the image isn't deleted yet
} // img2 goes out of scope, and the image is finally deleted

In this example, both img1 and img2 are std::shared_ptr objects that point to the same Image resource. The image data remains in memory as long as at least one of these smart pointers exists. When the last one is destroyed, the image is automatically deleted.

Weak Ownership

In some scenarios, you might want to observe or use a resource without affecting its lifetime. This is where std::weak_ptr comes in. std::weak_ptr is a non-owning smart pointer that can point to a resource managed by a std::shared_ptr. It allows you to check if the resource still exists before trying to access it.

#include <memory>

class Observer {
Observer(std::shared_ptr<Image> img) : img(img) {}

void processImage() {
// Attempt to get a shared_ptr from the weak_ptr
if (auto sharedImg = img.lock()) {
// Image is still valid, use it
} else {
// Image has been deleted
std::cout << "Image is no longer available" << std::endl;

std::weak_ptr<Image> img;
};class Observer {
Observer(std::shared_ptr<Image> img) : img(img) {}

void processImage() {
// Attempt to get a shared_ptr from the weak_ptr
if (auto sharedImg = img.lock()) {
// Image is still valid, use it
} else {
// Image has been deleted
std::cout << "Image is no longer available" << std::endl;

In this example:

  • An Observer object is created with a std::weak_ptr pointing to an Image owned by a std::shared_ptr.
  • The processImage method tries to acquire a std::shared_ptr from the std::weak_ptr using lock().
  • If the lock() succeeds, the Image is still valid, and the Observer can safely use it.
  • If the lock() fails (returns nullptr), the Image has been deleted by other shared owners, and the Observer knows not to attempt to use it.

Why is Resource Ownership and Transfer Important?

  1. Automatic Resource Management (RAII): When an object that owns a resource goes out of scope or is destroyed, its destructor is automatically called, ensuring proper resource release and preventing leaks.
  2. Exception Safety: Ownership transfer allows for graceful resource cleanup even in the face of unexpected exceptions.
  3. Clear Responsibility: The object that owns a resource has a clear responsibility for its management, making code easier to reason about and maintain.
  4. Efficiency: Transferring ownership, rather than copying resources, can be more efficient, especially for large or complex resources.


Understanding and embracing the concept of objects as resource owners is crucial for writing effective C++ code. It’s not just about memory management — it applies to any resource that needs to be acquired and released. By leveraging this principle, you can write more robust, efficient, and maintainable C++ code. Remember: in C++, when you’re dealing with a resource, always ask yourself, “Which object owns this resource?” The answer to that question will guide you towards better design decisions and help you avoid many common pitfalls in C++ programming.

