Demystifying Training Parameters in Machine Learning

Batch Size, Iteration, Epoch, Learning Rate

Dagang Wei
3 min readJan 5, 2024
Image generated by the author with DALL-E

This article is part of the series Demystifying Machine Learning.


Machine learning is a powerful tool that allows computers to learn from data and make predictions or decisions. When training a machine learning model, several parameters play a critical role in determining the model’s performance and convergence. In this blog post, we will explore four essential parameters in machine learning training: batch size, iteration, epoch, and learning rate. We will discuss their relationships and provide a practical example to illustrate their impact on the training process.

The Parameters

1. Batch Size

Batch size refers to the number of data samples used in each iteration of training. The choice of batch size can significantly affect the training process. Smaller batch sizes result in more frequent weight updates, which can lead to faster convergence but may increase computational overhead. Larger batch sizes, on the other hand, reduce the frequency of weight updates but can take longer to converge.

2. Iteration

An iteration, also known as a training step, occurs each time the model processes a batch of data during training. It involves computing the model’s predictions, calculating the loss, and updating the model’s weights using techniques like gradient descent. The number of iterations depends on the dataset size and the chosen batch size.

3. Epoch

An epoch is a complete pass through the entire dataset during training. During each epoch, the model goes through multiple iterations, updating its weights based on the gradients calculated from the batch of data. The number of epochs determines how many times the model sees the entire dataset. Training for too few epochs may result in underfitting, while training for too many epochs can lead to overfitting.

4. Learning Rate

The learning rate is a hyperparameter that controls the size of the weight updates during training. It plays a crucial role in determining the convergence speed and stability of the training process. A high learning rate can result in overshooting the optimal weights, causing the training to diverge. Conversely, a low learning rate may slow down convergence or get stuck in a local minimum.


Let’s consider a simple example using a feedforward neural network for image classification. Suppose we have a dataset of 10,000 images, and we want to train our model with the following parameters:

  • Batch size: 1000
  • Number of iterations: 10
  • Number of epochs: 50
  • Learning rate: 0.01

In this scenario, we have 10 iterations per epoch (10,000 images / 1000 batch size). Over the course of 50 epochs, our model will go through 500 iterations. The learning rate of 0.01 is chosen to ensure smooth weight updates throughout training.


Understanding the relationships among the key parameters in machine learning training is crucial for achieving optimal model performance. Batch size, iteration, epoch, and learning rate all play integral roles in the training process. Careful selection and tuning of these parameters can lead to faster convergence and improved model accuracy. As you delve deeper into machine learning, experimenting with different parameter values and observing their effects will help you become a more skilled practitioner in the field.


