There are apps used to detect Autism Spectrum Disorder and help with issues such as communication, sensory issues, social skills, education, and tracking progress for caregivers.

Monica Weinberg
5 min readJan 8, 2023
Image by dadaworks on Piabay

The number of children being diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) has increased steadily over recent years. One in 44 children will be diagnosed with ASD, according to the Center for Disease Control. The earlier a child is identified as having ASD, the earlier the proper therapeutic interventions can be put into place to help the child learn, adapt, and thrive. Numerous studies have demonstrated the benefits of early diagnosis and intervention of children with ASD.

For example, early intervention can help children learn new skills with which to adapt, and reduce the possibility of frustration that could otherwise occur. Children with ASD who have difficulty communicating their thoughts and feelings to others could be provided the tools with which to express themselves and prevent potential meltdowns. Such actions can help offset neurodevelopment issues that might otherwise occur without medical assistance.

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Fortunately there is a wide assortment of apps available for both children and adults with ASD that are used to:

  1. detect ASD.
  2. help communication.
  3. aid in sensory issues.
  4. learn and augment social skills.
  5. tracking medical progress for caregivers.

Here are some of the more popular apps available.


ASDetect — an app available on Apple and Android by La Trobe University that helps parents and caregivers determine whether children aged 2 1/2 and younger may have early signs of autism. Provides clinical videos as a means of comparison. Free of charge.

Autism Test — designed for adults, available on Apple by Inquiry Health LLC, and free to use.


Prologuo2Go — a communication app offered in the Apple store by Assistiveware to help users express themselves by typing words and tapping images to express themselves. The cost to purchase the app is approximately $250.

TouchChat — offered in the Apple store by the Prentke Romich Company for users with difficulty using their voices to communicate. The cost to purchase the app is approximately $300.

LetMeTalk — Free AAC Talker — available for Apple and Android for free, and offered by AppNotize UG. Through the availability of almost 9,000 images, the app allows users to line up images in a way that conveys the message they wish to express. There is a text-to-voice feature in several languages. It does not require an Internet connection to function.

Sono Flex — a vocabulary app offered in the Apple store by Tobii Dynavox that turns symbols into speech. The cost to purchase the app is approximately $99.99.

Card Talk — a communication app offered on Apple and Android by Italico. It uses images of cards to relay information.. The app is free to download.


Calm — a meditation app available for Apple, Android and Google Play, free with in-app purchase options

Miracle Modus — uses sounds and visual patterns to provide a sense of tranquility and lessen anxiety. Available for Apple for free.


Social Story Creator and Library — available in the Apple store by Touch Autism available only for iPad and iPhone for $14.99.

Social Detective — developed by Touch Autism primarily for tweens, this app allows users to practice social situations with the use of videos that demonstrate situations and behaviors. Available for purchase for $9.99.

Visual Schedules and Social Stories — Available on Google Play, the app helps users prepare for social situations by practicing ahead of time, as well as providing a tool that helps users follow routines by creating visual schedules.


OTSIMO Special Education — labeled a special education app that teaches through specially devised games, offered on Apple and Google Play. It is free to download and there is a 7 day trial period, after which point there is a fee depending on one of three paid plans.

TEAPP — an app that uses video games to promote learning, available on Apple and Android.

Autism Read & Write — an education app that is available from Green Bubble Labs on Apple and Android. There is a free and a paid version.


Birdhouse for Autism — This popular and widely-used app is a helpful tool that allows parents and health professionals to track the progress of children with ASD in matters related to medical issues such as taking medicine, undergoing therapies, doctor information, and so on. Birdhouse for Autism allows caregivers and providers to organize and monitor the progress children make in these areas, as well as develop goals to achieve. It is free on Apple store.

Autism Tracker Pro — made available by Track & Share Apps, this tool uses visual aids to track medical aspects such as food and sleep and mood. There are visual calendars and graphs, and the ability to communicate and share information using Dropbox.

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It is imperative that children with autism be diagnosed early to give them the tools will be required to help navigate their lives. As children with autism grow up to become adults with autism, the proper supports must be put into place so that adults with ASD can handle the challenges that come with being grown-up. Their families, the ones they were born into and the ones they will develop, will lead more rewarding lives as a result, as will their friends and communities that reap the benefits of productive, healthy members. These supporting apps have the potential to change the quality of lives all around the globe.

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Monica Weinberg

Monica is a writer, editor, and teacher. Having worked in publishing, she is focusing her writing on healthcare, technology, politics, and the media.