Why does my Google search go to Yahoo on Mac? How to stop the redirecting?

Robin Harris
4 min readMay 22, 2024


If you’ve been searching on Google only to find your results getting redirected to Yahoo on your Mac, it’s not just an annoying glitch — it’s a likely sign of a potential issue within your browser or system. Now, let’s dive in the reasons behind this unexpected behavior and figure out how to stop Google keeping defaulting to Yahoo.

Why does Google search go to Yahoo on Mac?

Experiencing your Google search redirecting to Yahoo can be incredibly frustrating. This issue is typically caused by a browser hijacker, a form of malware that modifies your browser settings without your consent. Here’s why this happens:

Browser Hijackers

Browser hijackers often come bundled with free software downloads or extensions from unverified sources. Once installed, they can alter your browser’s default search engine, homepage, and new tab settings to direct traffic to specific websites, such as Yahoo Search, to generate ad revenue for the hijacker’s creators.

Compromised Extensions

Malicious or compromised browser extensions can also cause redirection issues. These extensions might have gained the ability to control your search engines and manipulate your browsing experience.

System Malware

In some cases, more pervasive malware on your Mac could be causing the redirection, affecting not just your browser but potentially other system settings as well.

How to stop Google from redirecting to Yahoo on Mac?

Fortunately, there are several steps you can take to stop Google from redirecting to Yahoo on your Mac. They are either manual actions or quick solutions with a tool.

Remove Suspicious Extensions in Google Chrome

  1. Open Google Chrome.
  2. Click on the three vertical dots (menu) in the upper right corner.
  3. Select Extensions > Manage Extensions.

4. Look for any unfamiliar or suspicious extensions and click Remove.

Reset Chrome Settings

Resetting Chrome can revert all settings back to their default states, removing any unwanted changes made by hijackers.

  1. Open Google Chrome.
  2. Click on the three vertical dots (menu) in the upper right corner.
  3. Go to Settings.

3. Click on reset settings to their original defaults and confirm.

Reinstall Google Chrome

If the problem persists, consider reinstalling Chrome to ensure a clean installation.

  1. Open Finder and go to the Applications folder.
  2. Drag Google Chrome to the Trash. Then go to Trash bin, right click the app and delete immediately to completely remove it from your Mac.

3. Go to the official Google Chrome download page and reinstall Chrome.

One-Click Removal with CleanMyMac

CleanMyMac is a powerful tool that can help remove browser hijackers and other malware efficiently.

  1. Download and install CleanMyMacX.
  2. Launch the application and go to the Malware Removal tab.

3. Click on Scan and follow the on-screen instructions to remove any threats.

4. Also, go to Extensions tab, uninstall any suspicious extensions from your Mac.

Is the Yahoo redirect virus dangerous?

Yes, it is.

In most cases, Google search keeps going to Yahoo on Mac is caused by the Yahoo redirect virus. The Yahoo redirect virus, while not typically damaging like ransomware or spyware, can still pose significant risks:

  • Privacy Concerns: It may track your browsing history and collect sensitive data, compromising your privacy.
  • Security Risks: Redirects could lead you to malicious websites designed to steal personal information or install more harmful malware.
  • Performance Issues: The constant redirection and advertisements can slow down your browsing experience and overall system performance.

How to prevent Yahoo redirect virus on Mac?

Preventing your Mac from getting infected by the Yahoo redirect virus or similar malware involves a few best practices:

  1. Be Cautious with Downloads
  • Avoid Unverified Sources: Only download software and extensions from official and reputable sources.
  • Read Reviews: Check user reviews and ratings before installing new extensions or applications.

2. Regularly Update Software

  • System Updates: Ensure your macOS and all installed software are up-to-date to protect against known vulnerabilities.
  • Browser Updates: Keep your browsers updated to the latest versions.

3. Use Strong Security Software

  • Install Antivirus Software: Use reliable antivirus software to scan and protect your system from malware.
  • Enable Real-Time Protection: Ensure your antivirus software offers real-time protection against potential threats.

4. Practice Safe Browsing

  • Avoid Clicking on Unknown Links: Be cautious of clicking links in emails, social media, or websites that seem suspicious.
  • Enable Pop-up Blockers: Use browser settings to block pop-ups and reduce the risk of inadvertently downloading malicious content.

