Why does my Mac screen flicker and how to solve?

Robin Harris
5 min readMar 19, 2024

Imagine this: you’re in the zone, typing away on a critical project, when suddenly, your Mac screen decides to put on an impromptu disco show. It flickers, flashes, and generally misbehaves, as if it’s having a digital meltdown. Why does this happen, and more importantly, what can you do about it?

In this comprehensive guide, we’re plunging headfirst into the topic of Mac screen flickering.

Common Symptoms of Mac Screen Flickering

The flickering terror may manifest in various ways. At the mildest end of the spectrum, you might notice subtle changes in brightness that appear at random or with specific actions. More severe flickering can include rapid screen blackouts, flashes of different colors, or even an all-out freeze that requires a hard reset.

Impact on User Experience and Productivity

The visual onslaught aside, a flickering screen can be incredibly disruptive to your workflow. Sharp flashes can be more than bothersome; they can cause headaches and eye strain over extended periods. They’re particularly hazardous when you’re working on a task that requires high attention to detail, inducing errors or loss of information in the worst scenarios.

Causes of Mac Screen Flickering

Dealing with screen flickering isn’t as simple as turning a blind eye, but it’s not always a sign of a terminal problem, either. Here are the three main areas you must investigate to solve the flickering riddle:

Hardware Issues

Your Mac’s screen-related components can fail or misbehave in various ways. The display itself might be getting old and worn out, the cable connecting it to your machine could be damaged, or an ailing graphics card might be struggling to keep up with its tasks.

Software Problems

Believe it or not, many screen flicker problems are rooted in software, particularly driver issues. You may have recently installed an app that doesn’t play nice with your system, or an OS update could have introduced incompatibilities.

Settings and Configurations

Sometimes, the issue arises not from a faulty piece of hardware or software, but rather from settings that have gone awry. Adjusting the refresh rate or resolution might be the simple fix you need.

Troubleshooting and Solutions

Now for the nitty-gritty of how to go about solving the conundrum. We’ll run through a series of steps you can take to diagnose and, in many cases, fix your flickering screen.

The best way to solve any problem is to understand it. We’ll take you through the steps to isolate the cause of your screen flickering so you can apply the right fix effectively.

1. Resetting PRAM and SMC

Prudence dictates that you start with the easy fixes before breaking out your Mac toolkit. Resetting the PRAM and SMC settings often clears up inexplicable issues, including screen flicker.

Resetting PRAM

PRAM (on older Macs) and NVRAM (on newer Macs) store user settings such as sound volume, display resolution, startup disk selection, and recent kernel panic information.

  1. Shut down your Mac completely.
  2. Power it on and immediately press and hold the Option (⌘), Command (⌘), P, and R keys all at the same time.
  3. Hold these keys for about 20 seconds. On some Macs, you’ll hear a startup sound for a second time, or on Macs with an Apple T2 Security Chip, the Apple logo appears and disappears for the second time.
  4. Release the keys and allow your Mac to continue starting up normally.

Resetting SMC

  1. Shut down your Mac.
  2. Unplug the power cord.
  3. Wait 15 seconds, then plug the power cord back in.
  4. Wait 5 seconds, then press the power button to turn on your Mac.

2. Updating Drivers and Software Patches

Your Mac relies on software to communicate with its hardware correctly. If that software becomes out of date or corrupted, flickering can occur. We’ll show you how to make sure everything is on the latest stable version.

Updating macOS and Built-in Drivers

macOS updates include not only system and security updates but also driver updates for components like graphics cards, printers, and other peripherals. To update macOS and built-in drivers:

  1. Click the Apple icon in the upper left corner of your screen
  2. Select “System Settings” from the dropdown menu. (In macOS Mojave or earlier, this option is named “System Preferences”.)
  3. In System Settings, click “General” and then select “Software Update”.
  4. If any updates are available, you’ll see an “Update Now” button to install a specific update or an “Update All” button to install all available updates. Click accordingly.

macOS will download and install the updates. This process may require a restart.

Updating Third-Party Drivers and Software

For third-party peripherals and applications that don’t update through macOS’s built-in Software Update, follow these general steps:

  1. Visit the manufacturer’s website for any peripheral or software you’re using. Often, they’ll have a support or downloads section where you can find drivers and software updates.
  2. Download the most recent drivers or software updates for your device or application.
  3. Install the downloaded files by opening them and following the on-screen instructions, which typically involve dragging the application to your Applications folder or running an installer.

3. Adjusting Display Settings

Oftentimes, the flickering is a result of your Mac and its display trying to handle settings that don’t match up. Tweaking these can provide immediate relief from the flicker.

  1. Click on the Apple menu at the top left corner of your screen.
  2. Select System Settings from the dropdown menu. (In macOS versions prior to Ventura, this option is named “System Preferences”.)
  3. Scroll down if necessary and click on Displays in the sidebar to open the display settings.

4. Seeking Professional Assistance

We’ll recommend you to calling in the experts if these solutions won’t help. Diagnosing your issue’s severity can save you time and stress, ensuring you get the right help when you need it most.

Preventive Measures

While we’ve covered a lot about how to fix your screen when it starts flickering, wouldn’t it be better to preempt it from happening in the first place? By following these proactive tips, you can significantly reduce the chances of getting that unwanted light show:

  1. Regularly update your software and keep an eye out for firmware upgrades
  2. Watch out for apps that might be causing trouble and causing screen flickers
  3. Don’t physically move your Mac while it’s running; sudden movements can damage the display or its connections
  4. Consider using dust covers and screen protectors to maintain your screen’s integrity.

Remember, your Mac’s screen is its window to the digital world, and if that window is foggy or distorted, it can make your every task a little bit harder. Whether it’s a simple setting or a more complex hardware issue, treating issues promptly will keep your Mac running smoothly for years to come.

