What Do Shoppers Want to Know?

3 min readMay 15, 2017


We’ve all been there when shopping online, browsing through a plethora of product pages, narrowing down our selection. Then, you need to ask for more information in order to make a final decision…

There are many benefits to shopping online, but there is no replacement for actually being able to touch and feel the product you’re about to purchase.

How are product manufacturers and big retailers tackling this friction point, felt by almost every consumer in the US? Until we’re able to feel things through our screens (if ever), they’re utilizing technology to connect with shoppers and answer their questions in as much depth as possible.

If you can’t touch it yourself, the next best thing is someone who knows the product inside-out, back-to-front, and upside-down, right?

With this in mind, we mined our chat transcripts to give you a head’s up on what the most common questions are, so you can get ahead of the curve and review your current product description pages to ensure the following areas are covered:


Shoppers usually have an idea of what they need, before they visit your store. This may not necessarily be a specific product, but rather a specific need and they’re searching for the right product to fill this need.

Especially in the case of high-consideration items (think TVs, computers, cameras), shoppers tend to feel more comfortable committing to purchase if they receive a recommendation.

Top Tip: Consider adding product reviews or “Staff Picks” to your website, this may help sway your customers when they’re looking for something specific, but you’re not around to answer their questions.


Often, we buy new products to use with existing things we own. Compatibility is a huge consideration for shoppers, especially for consumer electronics. Before committing to purchase, we found that most people want to identify any potential issues that may occur, before they buy.

The retail industry is making strides in post-purchase customer service, but why wait until your customer has got home and felt the disappointment of owning two incompatible products? Find ways to give them this information upfront, before they purchase. It may sway their decision, as well as improve the customer experience.

Top Tip: Try adding a compatibility table to your Product Description Page for your customers to use as an easy reference tool when browsing.


Everyone knows they should upgrade at some point, but it can seem like more trouble than it’s worth. It’s not. Technology moves so quickly, that not having the newest version of your chosen phone/TV/computer can be a disadvantage.

Whether the newer model is “better” can be subjective, especially if the design changes. Shoppers often ask for comparisons between models to ensure that upgrading now is worth the money, or whether they should wait it out for a few months and get something that will leave no room for question.

Top Tip: Encourage customers to trust you as a reliable source by adding a “Compare To” section on your website, so shoppers can compare the difference in models, side-by-side, and make an informed upgrade decision.

What’s in the box?

This question is typical for bundled products. Most people expect the basics when purchasing something (power cables, etc.) but with bundles it can become unclear whether they need to buy anything additional.

Top Tip: for bundles and offers, make it explicit “What’s in the box” so you customer knows exactly what to expect.


From laptops to dining tables, most shoppers check the specifications of a product as part of their decision-making process. If the information isn’t present, or is confusing, they may find another product (or retailers) that has the information at hand. It makes for a better customer experience when this information isn’t hidden, and shoppers can easily assess whether they’ve found their next purchase.

Top Tip: Find out what the most common product specifications questions are, and update your product description pages with this information so your customers don’t have to search for these answers.




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