Chicken Dewormers

Robert Cantrell
10 min readJun 11, 2024


Welcome to our roundup of the best Chicken Dewormers on the market! As a responsible chicken owner, it’s essential to keep your feathered friends healthy and happy. In this article, we’ve gathered an array of top-rated dewormers that will help you tackle any worm-related issues in your flock. From natural remedies to powerful synthetic products, we’ve got you covered. Let’s dive in and explore the world of chicken deworming solutions together.

The Top 7 Best Chicken Dewormers

  1. RNA Supplements Chicken Dewormer 5X (20 Ct.) — Protect your poultry from intestinal parasites with the Poultry Dewormer 5x Supplement, proven effective against threadworms, roundworms, cecal worms, gapeworms, and tapeworms.
  2. The Poultry Store Natural Chicken Dewormer — Healthy Digestive Support for Chickens — A natural deworming solution for your flock, The Poultry Store Natural Chicken Dewormer effectively fights parasites, supports overall health, and promotes a balanced digestive system.
  3. Efficient Verm-X Liquid Poultry Dewormer — Verm-X Liquid: The №1 UK Brand for Natural Intestinal Control in All Poultry, highly palatable and easy to use, providing effective intestinal hygiene with 100% natural ingredients.
  4. Poultry Store’s Large Chicken Dewormer Solution — Stay worry-free with The Poultry Store’s all-natural, organic chicken dewormer, the gentle but effective alternative to harsh chemical poultry dewormers, helping keep your birds healthy and happy.
  5. Natural Parasite Control for Birds — Pet-Friendly Chicken Dewormer — Eliminate pesky parasites from your poultry’s life with The Poultry Store Natural Parasite Control Chicken Dust — the safe, natural, and highly effective solution for keeping your feathered friends happy and healthy.
  6. Natural Chicken Dewormer for All Life Stages and Breeds — Say goodbye to parasites with DEWORMX, a natural chicken dewormer that delivers top-quality care for roosters, hens, and chicks.
  7. RNA Poultry Dewormer 5X — Effective Chicken Dewormer Solution — Protect your poultry from dangerous intestinal parasites with RNA Poultry Dewormer 5X, a powerful and user-friendly choice for treating threadworms, roundworms, and more.

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RNA Supplements Chicken Dewormer 5X (20 Ct.)

In our quest to keep our backyard chickens healthy, we tried the Poultry Dewormer 5X. It promises to protect against various intestinal parasites, which turned out to be true, as we saw an improvement in our birds’ overall health. The supplement comes in individual capsules, each designed for 4–7 lb chickens, and we found them easy to administer — either by adding the contents to a treat, or more directly to our chickens.

The main highlight of the Poultry Dewormer 5X is its effectiveness against multiple types of parasites, such as cecal worms and threadworms. However, there’s a catch. As we learned through a poultry professional, the suggested withdrawal times vary depending on several factors, causing some uncertainty. While the ingredients aren’t water soluble and must be hand-administered, we found it user-friendly and appreciated its versatility.

In our experience, the Poultry Dewormer 5X has been a valuable addition to our chicken care routine. However, we wish it came with more specific instructions on the withdrawal times to avoid any guesswork. If you’re a poultry owner looking for an effective dewormer, this product could be a good fit, but be sure to consult a poultry professional before use.

The Poultry Store Natural Chicken Dewormer — Healthy Digestive Support for Chickens

Keep your flock healthy and happy with The Poultry Store’s Natural Chicken Dewormer. This all-natural dewormer is packed with essential nutrients and vitamins, making it perfect for maintaining the well-being of your chickens. The dewormer not only prevents common poultry ailments like coccidiosis, blackhead, ecoli, bronchitis, and avian flu, but also rids their digestive system of parasites and toxins.

Simply scoop one serving per four birds onto their mash or crumbles, and watch as your chickens gobble it up. With its natural formula, you can trust that The Poultry Store’s Natural Chicken Dewormer is free from harsh chemicals, ensuring the safety and health of your precious poultry. Satisfied customers rave about its effectiveness and ease of use, making it a must-have for any chicken enthusiast.

Efficient Verm-X Liquid Poultry Dewormer

Verm-X Liquid is a popular choice for ensuring intestinal wellbeing in poultry, offering a natural, convenient, and palatable solution. Made from 100% natural active ingredients, this wormer makes it easier for pet owners to control intestinal hygiene without causing any discomfort to their pets. While some users have reported a strong smell, most find the product easy to administer and effective in preventing and controlling intestinal challenges.

However, follow the feeding instructions for it to become fully effective, and consult your veterinarian for the best dosage. Overall, Verm-X Liquid is a trusted and easy-to-use wormer for all poultry, offering a balanced blend of quality ingredients to keep your birds healthy and happy.

Poultry Store’s Large Chicken Dewormer Solution

The Poultry Store offers a natural chicken dewormer, which is perfect for keeping your birds healthy and worm-free. With a strong smell that might cause you to cough if not mixed with caution, this all-natural, organic supplement is a safe and effective alternative to harsher chemical dewormers.

Packaged in a bigger 14 oz. bag, it can be sprinkled on the feed or mixed with a little to support your chickens’ overall health. Made in the USA, this product has been proven to work by many satisfied customers who have noticed a difference in the wellbeing of their birds.

Natural Parasite Control for Birds — Pet-Friendly Chicken Dewormer

Say goodbye to pesky parasites with The Poultry Store’s Natural Parasite Control Chicken Dust. Designed to keep your feathered friends healthy and happy, this natural solution effectively targets common parasites without relying on harsh chemicals.

Perfect for sprinkling in nesting and roosting boxes, this chicken dewormer is pet friendly and effective in combating mice, rats, ticks, mites, lice, and more.

Natural Chicken Dewormer for All Life Stages and Breeds

As a devoted backyard chicken keeper, I’ve never been more relieved than when I stumbled upon DEWORMX. Imagine my disappointment when my once-thriving flock started showing signs of poor health. That’s when I decided to try DEWORMX, a natural product claiming to be a potent dewormer for my roosters, hens, and chicks.

One thing that stood out for me was the ease of use. The powder could simply be added to their food, eliminating any hassle or potential resistance from my birds. The product also boasts natural ingredients, which not only gave me peace of mind but also made me feel like I was providing the best care for my chickens.

However, the experience with DEWORMX did come with a minor hiccup. Although the product worked effectively for most of my chickens, one or two seemed a bit sluggish and showed signs of reinfestation after a few weeks. This could either be a one-off incident or a slight oversight in the application. Nonetheless, the overall benefits far outweighed this minor inconvenience.

To sum it up, DEWORMX is a great choice for any chicken enthusiast looking for a natural and easy-to-use solution for keeping their flock healthy and worm-free. Despite the slight hiccup, the product has made a significant difference in my backyard chickens’ health and happiness.

RNA Poultry Dewormer 5X — Effective Chicken Dewormer Solution

The RNA Poultry Dewormer 5X HCLAD is a must-have supplement for protecting your birds against intestinal parasites like threadworms and cecal worms. Each capsule is designed to treat a bird weighing between 4 and 7 lbs, and the contents can be applied to a piece of bread or your bird’s favorite treat for easy administration. While the suggested withdrawal times may vary, it’s essential to consult with a poultry professional or veterinarian for the best dosage and timing recommendations.

With its easy-to-use pill form, it provides peace of mind knowing your bird is getting the full treatment.

Buyer’s Guide

Choosing the right chicken dewormer is essential for maintaining their overall health and preventing any potential issues. This buyer’s guide will provide you with valuable information on important features, considerations, and general advice to make an educated decision when selecting a chicken dewormer. Remember, always consult your local veterinarian before administering any medications to ensure the best health outcomes for your feathered friends.

Important Considerations

When selecting a chicken dewormer, consider the following factors to ensure you choose the most effective product for your birds’ needs. These factors include the drug’s active ingredients, duration of action, and safety for your chickens and other poultry or livestock on your property. Additionally, consider the delivery method, dosage, and frequency, as well as any potential side effects or resistance issues.

Active Ingredients and Effectiveness

The active ingredients in a chicken dewormer are key to its effectiveness in treating worms. Common active ingredients include praziquantel, levamisole, and morantel. These ingredients work by either killing the worms or causing them to be expelled from the chicken’s body. Look for dewormers that contain at least one of these active ingredients and follow the recommended dosage instructions to ensure optimal results. Certain dewormers may be effective against some worm species but not others, so read the label to determine which parasites the product is meant to treat.

Domiciliary Dewormers vs. In-feed Dewormers

There are two main types of chicken dewormers: domiciliary and in-feed. Domiciliary dewormers are usually administered through a syringe or droper, while in-feed dewormers are added to the chickens’ feed or water sources. Both methods have their advantages and disadvantages, so choose the one that best fits your situation. Domiciliary dewormers are typically more accurate, as the medication is applied directly to the bird’s mouth or throat, while in-feed dewormers are easier to administer in large groups but may have reduced effectiveness due to variable consumption rates.

General Advice and Best Practices

To ensure the success and safety of using a chicken dewormer, follow these best practices and general advice:

  1. Always read and follow the product label, as different dewormers may have varying recommended dosages and instructions. 2. Use a dewormer that is appropriate for the worm species affecting your chickens, as some products are not effective against all parasites. 3. Time the administration of the dewormer correctly. Some products require pre-treatment with other medications, while others must be given at specific times during the day, such as early morning or late evening. 4. Keep accurate records of the administration dates and any observed side effects. 5. Always have a reliable source of clean, fresh water available for your chickens. This can help reduce the risk of worm infestations and make deworming treatments more effective. 6. Finally, ensure that all chickens on your property receive the same treatment to minimize the risk of introducing new worms to your flock.


What are some common signs of a dewormed chicken?

Common signs of a dewormed chicken include increased energy levels, smoother coats, balanced appetite, and active foraging. These symptoms indicate improved overall health and reduced stress caused by intestinal worms. However, if the conditions persist even after treatment, it may be necessary to consult a veterinarian for further diagnosis.

It is crucial to maintain a regular deworming schedule as recommended by your poultry care provider to ensure ongoing health and prevent potential future issues resulting from untreated worm infestations. Remember, preventative care is always better than curative care. A happy and healthy flock will bring you joy and satisfaction in your backyard poultry keeping endeavors.

How often should I deworm my chickens?

Based on scientific research, a general consensus is to deworm adult chickens every 3–6 months. However, it is best to consult with your avian veterinarian to determine the best deworming schedule for your specific flock. This schedule will help ensure the longevity and health of your birds, as well as minimize the risk of worm transmission to humans. Always remember to follow your veterinarian’s advice to avoid over-dosing or using inappropriate dosages.

For broilers, it is recommended to start deworming from 21 days before slaughter. This ensures that the chickens remain free from infection during the processing and consumption without causing any harm to the birds or humans. It is vital to seek the proper guidance of a veterinary expert when it comes to matters regarding the health and medication of your chickens.

What are the most common types of intestinal worms found in chickens?

There are two main types of intestinal worms that commonly afflict chickens: roundworms (ascarids) and tapeworms (aviidium). Roundworms are the most prevalent type and are usually found in younger or less hygienic birds, while tapeworms can be found in almost any age group. Regular deworming, keeping the coop clean, and monitoring your flock’s health are all essential steps you can take to protect your chickens from these worms.

Parasitic worms pose a significant risk to chickens, as they can cause diseases, loss of productivity, and can even be transmitted to humans. It is therefore recommended to take all necessary precautions to keep your flock healthy and free from these parasites. Regular health checks, hygiene maintenance, and appropriate deworming practices will all contribute to the overall well-being of your chickens.

Can I use the same dewormer for all chickens, regardless of their age and weight?

While some dewormers may be suitable for a broad range of chickens based on their age and weight, it is crucial to follow the product’s recommended guidelines and consult with your veterinarian. Not all dewormers are recommended for every age range, and using the incorrect dosage can be ineffective or even harmful to your chickens.

It is always best to conduct thorough research on the specific dewormer you choose to use and consult with your avian veterinarian for personalized advice to ensure optimal results. This will help you make informed decisions when it comes to the health and well-being of your chickens. Remember, the right dosage is key to maintaining your flock’s health and productivity.

Is it necessary to deworm my entire flock simultaneously?

No, it is not essential to deworm your entire flock at once. Deworming can be done either individually or in smaller groups based on your birds’ age and health conditions. Deworming simultaneously, however, can often make it easier to manage and track the process, ensuring that no bird is overlooked.

If you decide to deworm your chickens one by one, it is crucial to maintain records for each chicken. This will help you maintain an accurate schedule and ensure that no bird fails to receive their appropriate deworming treatment. Organize the records by bird size, age, and date of the previous treatment, and use them to inform your deworming schedule in the future.

What happens if I skip deworming my chickens?

Skipping deworming can lead to various health issues in chickens, including reduced weight gains, anemia, decreased egg production, and increased mortality rate. The presence of intestinal worms can cause inflammation, nutrient deficiency, and damage to the intestinal lining, leading to poor health and productivity.

Intestinal worms can also pose a risk to humans. It is essential to maintain proper hygiene practices near and while handling chickens, including washing your hands and wearing gloves, to minimize the risk of transmission of zoonotic diseases. Keeping your flock regularly dewormed is not only good for your chickens’ health but also for your own health and safety.

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