Don’t miss two important spots of Varanasi Ramnagar Fort and Alamgir mosque

Welcom_Heritage JukasoGanges
2 min readMay 19, 2017


Varanasi is a very popular city in India. It has been considered as the spiritual capital of this country. The city is not just once of the oldest cities in the world but it has witnessed many revolutions and eras. You can find the glimpse of lushness of this city in its tourist’s posts and splendid monuments.

Don’t think so much about your Varanasi trip because you can easily get Hotel in Varanasi near station for your comfortable stay over. After all, you cannot experience the thrill and magnetism of this city unless you vest it personally. So, for now, have a look at two very popular and most visited spots of Varanasi.

Ramnagar Fort

RamnagarFort is situated opposite to TulsiGhat. It is an eighteenth century rotting defilement in dire in demand of restoration. But this nowhere means that the fort has nothing to cater. The winning pinkish sunset as seen from within this enclosure is sufficiently convincing to visit this fort. It may interest you that Ramnagar Fort was royal abode of the previous King of Varanasi. The Fort was formed by the King of Banaras in 1750 AD. The construction was accomplished with red stones.

Moreover, the ancient fort is also a home to an ancient museum that is popular for its distinct collection of ancient American cars, medieval costumes, ivory works and a large astronomical clock. Once you step in the realm of this spot, you are going to return with so much of illumination and charm. After all, the air of this fort has remained important and powerful all these years.

Alamgir mosque

Alamgir Mosque is a very popular masjid in Varanasi. It delights a fortunate place. Enclosed by the consecrated River Ganga, it administers the PanchgangaGhat. The elegant masjid authenticates inspirational architectural skills. It denotes the richness that gets reflected through its panache and design. The complete architecture of this mosque is a blend of Islamic and Hinduismtang. The impact of Hindu is fairly noticeable in lower areas of this mosque and in enclosure walls. The rest of the masjid possesses firm Muslim effect. On the whole, the site of Alamgirmosque is extremely charismatic and inspiring.

So, the bottom line is that you can easily find luxury hotels in Varanasi that too at a very reasonable rate for your trip. Just go ahead, talk to your friends and relatives and plan out a marvellous trip in this city!

