Why Equipment Training In Important In Well Logging

Luke Leyland
2 min readOct 25, 2017


Well logging plays an important role both in geophysical and petrophysical studies which includes groundwater, mining for oil, gas or minerals, infrastructure projects like highways, bridges, dams, environmental studies and research. The fact that well logging is so integral to these constantly growing industries has resulted in great demand for well logging services.

Well logging industry was worth over 16 billion dollars in 2014. There has been rapid technological advancement in this industry due to research and development. Although this industry is still highly labour intensive, the amount of labour and time involved has drastically reduced with new and improved equipment. Not just at the drilling and production stage, even the logging process has eased up with the introduction of digital logging. As a result the overall efficiency has improved and the production is more cost-effective in the long run.

The Well Logging Process

Well logging essentially involves recording detailed data of the geologic formation that take place in the earth’s subsurface. For this purpose a probe is penetrated into the borehole using a winch. The data is then recorded using a data logger. Televiewers are used for the digital imaging which can be recorded, analysed and presented using the well logging software. This data can be viewed real-time for immediate decisions. It can also be used to prepare graphic reports for presentation so that the next course of action can be ascertained.

Need For Training

When there a new technology is introduced, it results in a lot of disruption. A lot of the old equipment and technology are rendered useless. The people who are used to conducting the process as per the traditional method find it difficult to adapt to the new technology. This could cause a drop in the productivity and unrest among the staff. You don’t want to lose all the expertise and experience your staff has just because they are unable to adapt to the new technology.

While the techniques have undergone a change the science behind the techniques remains the same. This means that those involved in the drilling or the data collection can apply their knowledge but they need to know how to apply it to the new equipment. That’s where training comes in. It helps the workforce adapt to the new technology.

What Should Training Cover

Suppose you buy a new laptop. Won’t you receive a manual or video tutorial explaining how to use it? You will apply what you have learnt and start using it. During the process, you will try something new and develop your own way of using it. When you’re buying or renting the equipment it is important to check with your vendor whether they provide training. The training could be divided into basic and advanced depending on what is to be covered and for whom. It needs to include the functions of the equipment, how to use efficiently, troubleshooting if there are problems, maintenance and using the software. Well-trained staff will mean smoother and more efficient production process.

