Instead Of Eating “Clean” During The Week And Binging On The Weekend, Have Dessert Everyday

Audrey Andrade
7 min readJul 2, 2022

A guide to take back your food freedom

I used to live a lifestyle where I partook in the party scene every weekend. Go out Friday and Saturday night with a boozy brunch on Sunday morning.

Many of the younger population and definitely some of the older population still live this way because it’s kind of the only way we’ve been taught to enjoy ourselves.

You’re supposed to blow off steam on the weekends, and what better way to do that than a swanky bar and a beautifully gentrified strip in the city?

Little do we know that the effects of this much alcohol on our health is the same amount as if you decided to drink 2 to 3 alcoholic beverages every day.

Many of us fall into the trap thinking that eating clean during the week awards us the opportunity to do whatever we want on the weekend… Which is, in part, true.

When we eat a balanced diet rich in whole foods, exercise regularly, have healthy stress management, know our purpose, and engage in meaningful relationships, indulgence every now and then has little effect on our health overall.

What we fail to understand is the compounding effect the binge approach has on our health. It takes days for your body to…



Audrey Andrade

Nutrition Coach, Wellness Blogger. I help working professionals nourish their bodies with whole foods, habits & routines.