Importance Of Maintaining Ideal Weight

Minaz Shaikh
3 min readNov 13, 2017


What Is Ideal Weight?

“Ideal Body Weight” Is A Range Of Weights That Tells Us Whether Our Weight Is In Proportion With Our Height And Gender. The Weight For A Given Height And Gender For Which The BMI Ranges Between 21 To 23 Is Ideal For That Given Body.

How To Calculate Ideal Weight

Calculation Is Very Simple According To Gender :

For Men Subtract 100 From Your Height In Cm

For Women Subtract 105 From Your Height In Cm

Importance Of Ideal Weight

Maintaining A Healthy Ideal Weight Not Only Adds To Our Overall Fitness But It Also Keeps Our Susceptibility To Various Diseases Low. When We Keep A Check On Our Weight It Is Very Important To Have A Checklist Of Our Fat And Muscle %. The Composition Of Our Ideal Weight Should Also Be In Ideal Range. Depending On Our Height, Age And Gender Our Fat And Muscle % And RM Varies And So Our Calorie Intake Will Vary.

An Overweight Person Is At A Higher Risk Of Developing Serious Health Issues Which Ranges From Diabetes To Heart Ailments. Also, It’s Never Too Late To Aim To Be At Our Ideal Body Weight Even If We Have Been Ignoring It Till Now. If We Already Have Certain Problems Like A High Blood Pressure, Breathing Problems, etc. Maintaining A Healthy Body Weight Will Help Control These Diseases And In Most Cases The Symptoms Are Considerably Reduced.

The Diseases Which Especially Attack Us When We are above or below Our Ideal Body Weight are:

Diabetes (Type 2), High Blood Pressure, Coronary Heart Disease, Stroke, Certain Cancers, Gall Bladder Disease, Reproductive Problems, Musculoskeletal Problems Such As Osteoarthritis And Back Pain, Gout, etc..

What You Can Do?

Maintaining A Healthy Weight Is Not Always Easy. The Key To Success Is Making Changes In Daily Eating And Physical Activity Habits That Can Be Maintained Over One’s Lifetime.

Our Weight Is A Result Of The Combination Of The Energy One Takes In (Through Foods And Beverages) And The Energy Body Uses (Through Engaging In Physical Activity). To Lose Weight, An Individual Needs To Use More Calories Than They Consume. To Maintain A Healthy Weight, One Needs To Balance The Calories They Use With Those They Take In. Some Important Tips Are:

  • Spend Less Time In Sedentary Activities (E.g., Watching Television, Internet Surfing)
  • Engage In Daily Physical Activities (E.g., Walking, Bicycling, Gardening, Housework)
  • Eat More Fruits And Vegetables And Reduce Food Portion Sizes.

You Can Get Your Ideal Body Weight That Is Specific To Your Age, Body Type And Lifestyle Without Having To Starve Yourself By Following The Balanced Healthy Diet And Regular Workout.

If You Found This Blog Useful Do Share It With Your Family And Friends And Help Them Reap The Benefits Of Being On Ideal Weight.

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