We Love Nepal
2 min readApr 4, 2024

Ease Brought by Road Access in Dharaapani: A Testament to Community Endeavors

Dharaapani, Kanchanpur: Dharaapani village, located in Ward No. 8 of the municipality, is a typical rural settlement. However, it has been facing numerous challenges due to the lack of road access. Community initiatives have been seen striving to bring about change in this situation, notable for the collaborative efforts of local leadership and community.

Patients and pregnant women have experienced the absence of road access. They have had to travel over 13 kilometers to reach Jhalari Bazaar for accessing healthcare services, reflecting the hardships faced due to the lack of a proper road network.

However, projects undertaken with the collaboration of the community under local leadership have been working to address such issues. Bhuvan Gautam, a local resident of Dharaapani, has been instrumental in providing healthcare services to patients by partnering with local organizations, making it possible for them to reach medical facilities on motorcycles.

With the improvement of roads in Dharaapani, local businesses have been able to transport their products to the market. The provision of facilities like motorcycle transportation for essential goods to the market has been made possible through local initiatives, resulting in economic development for the community.

The road improvement in Dharaapani not only facilitates local businesses but also provides economic opportunities for the community. Local entrepreneurs can now transport necessary supplies to markets, boosting economic growth.

The road improvement initiative in Dharaapani not only helps local businesses but also ensures the safety of schoolchildren, enabling them to access education without facing the challenges of unsafe travel routes.

The road access improvements in Dharaapani have had a positive impact on the community, demonstrating the power of collective efforts and community engagement in addressing local challenges.

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