Our Path Forward:

5 min readSep 27, 2021

Good morning, good mid-morning, good mid-day, good mid-afternoon, good afternoon, good dusk or good evening WeMint.Cash art enthusiasts and all the washie holders!

With the project passing 350 ETH in volume traded the team felt it appropriate to provide a robust and detailed roadmap with supplementary notes on what the Meta Reserve is hard at work on.

First, it is important to convey to you that the project will develop from this point forward in three phases:

PHASE I: The Secret Gift.

  • A gift to the community from WeMint.Cash as a sign of gratitude to those who remain loyal to the project.
  • We intend to have this completed by October 17, 2021. Date is dependent on artist availability.
  • If you hold one (1) Washington you will be able to claim one (1) secret gift.

PHASE II: The US Currency Art Minting.

  • Minting Lincoln, Hamilton, Jackson, Grant, and Franklin.
  • Lincoln mint (5,000 total) will commence on or before October 31, 2021.
  • Hamilton mint (2,500 total) will commence on or before November 30, 2021.
  • Jackson mint (1,500 total) will commence on or before December 31, 2021.
  • Grant mint (750 total) will commence on or before January 31, 2022.
  • Franklin mint (250 total) will commence on or before February 28, 2022.
  • When minted, as is the standard, your Lincoln(s), Hamilton(s), Jackson(s), Grant(s), and Franklin(s) will be viewable on — and can be sold on — OpenSea.

PHASE III: The WeMint.Cash NFT Marketplace.

  • The Washington Warehouse will open on or before January 31, 2022.
  • When minting from the WeMint.Cash NFT Marketplace (The Washington Warehouse), as is the standard, the art you acquire will be viewable on — and can be sold on — OpenSea as well.

In support of these phases please review these supplementary notes:

  • There is no need to unstake your Washingtons unless you wish to transfer your Washington or list your Washington for sale on OpenSea.
  • We will launch a new WE-MINT-CASH token with the symbol WMC ($WMC) on or before October 1st, 2021.
  • The $WMC token will not have liquidity provided by the project.
  • The $WMC token can only be acquired by staking and will be launched with zero initial supply.
  • You will have the option to choose between staking your art to earn one (1) $uSTD per day per NFT staked, OR one (1) $WMC per day per NFT staked.
  • As an example if you own two Washingtons: you can select to stake one earning one $uSTD per day and one earning one $WMC per day. Or you can choose to stake two earning two $uSTD per day or two earning two $WMC per day.
  • Staking to earn $WMC will conclude on March 31, 2022.
  • Staking to earn $uSTD will conclude on December 31, 2022.
  • The $uSTD token remains. No changes were made, or will be made, to the contract at this time and the liquidity pool remains.
  • $WMC, and only $WMC, can be used to mint Lincoln, Hamilton, Jackson, Grant, and Franklin.
  • The number of $WMC tokens required to mint Lincoln, Hamilton, Jackson, Grant, and Franklin can be found in the below chart estimating the amount staked:
  • When minting Lincoln, Hamilton, Jackson, Grant, and Franklin the $WMC token is burned immediately.
  • The $uSTD token and the $WMC token can be used by wallet holders to purchase art + pay fees in the Washington Warehouse.
  • The Washington Warehouse will open on or before January 31, 2022. The marketplace will highlight: — NFT artists who do not have the means to launch their own project yet have outstanding skills. — Meme tokens. — Non-US NFT currency art.

NOTE: $uSTD and $WMC are utility tokens for the NFT marketplace and should not be considered an investment.

  • https://www.niftyriver.io/ and https://intermezzo.tools/ will serve as our rarity tools. Both services are free and accurate. We believe in investing in the art and therefore rarity tools which are offered to the NFT community for free will always be preferred.
  • The request for verification was submitted to OpenSea on September 21, 2021. We have been respectfully, yet aggressively, following-up on this request. Although we cannot control when, or if, verification will occur we remain committed to working with OpenSea until the project is verified. Moreover, should OpenSea deny our verification, we will appeal their decision and continue to work on this issue for as long as we are allowed to do so within the rules as stated by OpenSea.
  • No new Washingtons will ever be created. There will never be more than 10,000 Washingtons, 5,000 Lincolns, 2,500 Hamiltons, 1,500 Jacksons, 750 Grants, and 250 Franklins.
  • The secret gift to the community is provided as a sign of gratitude to those who remain loyal to the project. Whether staked or held, all Washngtons will receive the secret gift. If you own one Washington you will receive one secret gift. If you own 10,000 Washingons you will receive 10,000 secret gifts. The Washington to secret gift ratio is 1:1. At the time the gift is available, a website will be released which will allow you to mint one secret gift for every Washington you own. It will also check whether your Washington has yet claimed the gift so that everyone who owns a Washington has a fair chance to mint without any gas wars.

What an exciting time! We went viral in the NFT space and our original supply was minted out a few hours after that. And despite the price being only $1 (+ gas) we are extremely pleased to have approximately 4000 unique wallets in our community. This is an extremely powerful show of force for a practically free mint. #1DollarTo1Eth !!

Looking ahead, it is up to you and this community to spread the word far and wide so that we may create a robust and successful NFT marketplace. To this point the community has shown great strength on Twitter and Discord, and some of our holders include BAYC, VeeFriends, FLS, and other major project art enthusiasts.

Thank you for all the questions, comments, suggestions, and general feedback submitted thus far. While we are committed to this roadmap, we are always open to learning from you, our valued community, on how we can improve.

I am here for the long run and pleased you have chosen to join me on this journey. LFG!

— Jerome




First Washies… Then $Unstables… Then Benjies… Join us…