Authentic BHGAP Experiences!

Wenbo Wang
3 min readFeb 12, 2019


Hi folks!

I’m Wenbo, who studies finance in Beijing Foreign Studies University (BFSU) in China. About a month ago, I came to San Fransisco Bay Area to join Berkeley Haas Global Access Program (BHGAP) in University of California, Haas School of Business. Before my arrival, to be honest, I didn’t know what to expect. Only things I know were like: UC Berkeley is the TOPEST public school in the US; Haas is really a great talent pool filled with hard-working geniuses, etc. But none of those actually meant anything before I began my amazing journey at BHGAP!


We first received the warmest orientation at amazingly beautiful Chou Hall, where we met each other and were informed by great instructors of BHGAP group. What’s more exciting is that we also did a real business world case study! It’s so wonderful to hear opinions and perspectives from various places in the world!

Before coming to Berkeley, I have been a consulting intern at Boston Consulting Group (BCG), and considered consulting as my future career path. My very first class is Thriving at Haas and Beyond, which is designed to help BHGAPers to fully explore themselves and unlock potentials. I was really surprised and thrilled to hear that my instructor used to work for my dream company!!! I was super excited at the following 1:1 couching session, when I got the chance to ask her about her previous experiences and suggestions. That’s really COOL!!!

Moffitt Library

One thing really amazed me is how diligent Berkeley students can be. I was told before that Berkeley has more than 20 libraries on campus, among which Moffitt Library is the most famous and popular one. It’s really surprising to see that the library is still almost full at 12am midnight. Yet everyone is so kind and helpful! They won’t mind answering “silly questions” like “how to use the printer” or “how to ask for BearWalk”.

What I really love about Berkeley is the diversity. Not only can I walk into an astronomy class to explore wonders of the university, but also join world renowned professor Berry Schwartz to learn decision making. All kinds of opportunities are provided and open to all students in UC Berkeley. Besides, you can truly be yourself here, since no one is judgemental and the environment is so inclusive — there are no “right” answers at class, each voice can be equally heard…

It’s so fun and inspiring at BHGAP and in UC Berkeley! I really can’t wait to explore more in the following months! If you are interested in Berkeley Haas Global Access Program (BHGAP), please learn more about it at Or feel free to shoot me an email at to ask anything you want to know!

