Wendi Dodson- Small & Medium Law Firms and corporate Legal Department

Wendi Dodson Houston
3 min readJun 2, 2020


If you own a small-sized law firm or manage a corporate legal department, then hiring practices dictate that your best hiring practices create support for an aligned workforce. Best hiring practices that result in hiring and retaining a smart workforce that eventually increases the productivity and profitability of the business. With this preface in mind, according to my experience.

Firstly small-sized law firm or manage is developing an understanding of your organizational needs by communicating your long-term company goals and objectives. This may, perhaps, you would be surprised how many small business-especially law-firms and define their long term firm objectives and goals is the first step to developing uniformity and purpose among employees. also, it facilitates your future plans and prospects.

They effectively communicate your firm’s goals to prospective employees as part of your recruitment strategy. In other words, once you have developed your objectives, communicate it, not only to your employees that have a potential interest in, or are associated with your business. The most desired applicants invariably look for that company’s goals and propose are. They want to ensure that your firm’s goals and purpose are similar to their own.

They spend time to create an application process and interview questions that will give the best information about a recruit’s current talents, future potential, and goals. the scarcity of quality time to reflect, the many results of small-sized law firm or manage that refine their applications and process to develop the right questions. The opinion and competency-based questions that test a candidate ‘s judgment and ability in a real-world setting. Such that requires an applicant to think, project, reflect, and act like a tricky situation in real business scenarios. the utility of developing a dynamic and proactive application and process that covers the true cost of hiring, training, and profitability of an employee for any specific job.

Just small-sized law firm or manage & developing a proactive and dynamic hiring strategy that automatically yields results. It is critical to discern the capabilities of an applicant, an interviewer only judges a prospect, but also understands that important job and matching that do not only judge a prospect but also understand is important that matching that to what is present in the applicant. Many times small and medium-sized don’t think through the ability and potential of an applicant to perform functions other than what they have applied for. There are many instance results then are easy to predict, the employee leaves either during or just after training leads to a huge loss of time and money.

Growth of every individual in an organization and the success of that business to conclude time spent on hiring and implementing best hiring practices that small business is time well spent is more important than small-sized law firm or manage and developing people and strategies.

Wendi Dodson Hoston that discussed best hiring practices for your legal organizations, you may like to register as an employee or a website by following:



Wendi Dodson Houston

Wendi Dodson Houston is an industry professional, we boast a long time of enjoyment and a long report of turning in excellent results.