Multiple Sclerosis Struggles- Part Three

Wendy Cheairs
3 min readAug 9, 2019


Part One-

Part Two-

Photo by Kate Stone Matheson on Unsplash

It looks like I will be continuing my adventures or struggles with my life with MS.

Tonight is one of the long nights we all seem to have with MS. It is a night like most nights, it is dark, everyone else is sleeping, and I am awake with the pain through my body. This often happens enough and can’t be controlled for it is a pain through the nerve endings that have been frayed by the disease. My left side, which as explained in my weaker side or the side that has had more damage and seems to be sensitive towards anything it feels like that day. Sometimes it is simple to figure out why my body is on its rebellion. Tonight there is the weather, the rain through the desert which we always need. The pain of too much effort put on my body this week. Or it could just be a moment of pain is visiting; it will pass after I find a way to rest, and it fades into the usual rumble I can ignore.

I am lucky in this, I have pain, but it is usually controlled enough to keep it at bay to work around it. Then there are just days that appear without warning and other there is some, tonight is just a night without much notice. It is visiting through my legs and left side, aching like a toothache that can’t be gotten rid of. Maybe I will sleep, perhaps I won’t, but tomorrow I will continue with my typical workday and probably relax in the evening or take a long nap in the afternoon.

I have learned that naps are one of my best friends in the world, especially late night and early morning in pain. It took several years to get used to I have to rest, take a nap, and sleep when my body needs it. I felt silly at first like a child being told you have to nap when you didn’t want to. My body has another idea; naps then became a friend, helping me get through the long days.

Photo by Jordan Bauer on Unsplash

I will continue the evening by drinking some warm tea to see if it seeps in my body, answer email, and edit through some of the work I need doing this week. Then I will see if the melatonin and combination of muscle relaxants work to get me to sleep. While I thought about this night, I chose to write about it since it is not something a lot of people understand. It is another symptom we have to get used to and workaround to have a healthy life. Well, a normal life with naps.



Wendy Cheairs

Wendy Cheairs lives in New Mexico, with her husband and cats that think they are little people. Currently working on several writing projects.