What The F*#@k Were You Thinking?

Wendy Wright
8 min readFeb 25, 2023


TheTPhoto by Michal Matlon on Unsplash

I have been trying very hard to be polite and civil on my various social media platforms, but Trump is actually running again, so I feel I need to get this off my chest.

I am so pissed off that some of my fellow Americans elected Donald Trump. I mean, what the f*@k were you all thinking?

You just throw out all common sense and excuse his obvious lack of character and thought he would be good for our country? Help me to wrap my mind around that.

I was appalled the very first time he opened his mouth on the campaign trail and insulted a disabled journalist; then he insulted a Gold Star family; then he said he can sexually assault women because he’s a celebrity; then he started calling people names; he made up heinous lies about his opponents; he had the audacity to make ignorant, ugly and hateful remarks about an American war hero who lived a life of service to his country (John McCain); he paid off women he had affairs with; he scammed people out of their hard earned money (and he’s still doing that now and using YOUR money to pay his legal fees); the list goes on and on. But last and definitely not least, he is the quintessential bully. Do you all really like that? Really?

Do you allow your kids to bully other kids? Why would you be okay with a presidential candidate doing it? How do you judge people that you allow into your life and inner circle? If he was a regular person, would you trust him? Would you trust him to be alone with your children? Would you trust him around your daughters, sisters, or mothers? So why would you trust him as a President?

He’s just a regular person with a lot of money. That’s all he is, and he acquired that money through unscrupulous means. How could anyone elect someone to lead our country who would act like that?

Look at what he’s done to this country. I’m not shocked by it. I knew this guy was a conman. Anyone who did just a teeny bit of research on him would know that. What I AM shocked about is how he was able to con so many of YOU.

Why would you think someone who acted that way would make a good leader? Just because he bragged about himself? Just because he was rich? Just because he was married to a model who most likely married him for his money? Is that what you all idolize? Like what are your values as Americans? So many of us in this country were so hurt by the things he said and did, and you all just ignored it. How could you?

I thought we as a country had evolved beyond this, but clearly I am wrong. People just thought it was unimaginable that he would get elected, AND THERE’S A GOOD REASON FOR THAT! Who the f*@k would elect someone like him?

And don’t even get me started on Christians who elected him. I’ll go straight to hell if I unleash on them the way I want to…

Now instead of you all saying you were duped and you can see why the other half is mad, you are saying it’s tribal politics that are the problem. No. It’s not tribalism. Tribalism happened BECAUSE YOU ALL ELECTED TRUMP!

It’s right vs wrong. Period. As much as you may not like liberal/Democratic policies, at least liberals and Democrats carry themselves with civility and decency. Don’t even try to shift the blame to tribalism. You all did this by electing this corrupt, swindling, fraudulent, lying, cheating, philandering, bullying, sexist, racist jackass.

He literally said he was all these things WITH HIS ACTIONS, and not his words. Yet you all just listened to his words and ignored all his actions. He lied to you plain and simple, and you ate it up. They all lied to you and you just threw all common sense to the wind and ate it up. (I have a 2004 Ford Escape made of gold but it looks like fiberglass. I’ll sell it cheap for $20k. Any takers?) I mean, why not? That’s exactly what Trump is doing to you right now. How many of you bought those ETF cards?

You fought us, called us names like Demtard, and adopted childish phrases like lamestream media. You should be so embarrassed and ashamed of yourselves. They will be talking about you in the future. This is how you’re going to be known and talked about in history books. It’s beyond sad and pathetic.

Those of us who are against Trump and Republicans right now aren’t against the idea of the Republican Party. We’re against what this Party let happen. We’re pissed that YOU let this happen. That YOU supported this guy, one indiscretion after another. He could do no wrong in your eyes. What is wrong with you??

Even when he said the election was stolen, attempted a coup and incited an insurrection, you still supported him. Are you all really that easily duped?

What if it had been Democrats acting the way he did? Would you have been okay with that? I kept saying to my family and friends who supported him that whatever you let this clown get away with, you better be okay with other people doing it. Look at the precedent you set and all the followers following his lead because they think YOU like it.

Case in point, Ron DeSantis with his old worn out donkey comment during his last debate with Charlie Crist. He had that in his arsenal just ready to use in case Crist asked him a tough question. What a joke. Is that what you all want? Is it??

And did you even bother to ask yourself WHY DeSantis wants to ban ethnic books and reduce exposure to African American history? Did you?

I’ll tell you why he wants to do that. If people knew the complete history of the Black experience in this country, they would understand WHY we see the problems inherent in Black Communities, most specifically poor Black communities. They would also see the enourmous contributions Blacks have made in this country.

Anti-wokeism simply means keeping people ignorant of the racial injustices that have affected a certain race for generations so that they can blame that same race for the effects of those injustices. That is racism at its core.

I’m literally terrified because I thought better of the citizens of this country. How did you let yourselves lose all of your decency to follow this guy? Shouldn’t everything aformentioned have been a red flag? Do you not have a set of standards that you hold all people too?

Everyone in his inner circle was either convicted of a felony, is under indictment, is being investigated, or is about to be indicted. And you would elect him AGAIN to be the most powerful man in the world? Unbelievable.

I really don’t want to believe that half of this country is so selfish that you would vote for a man who presented himself the way he did knowing it would hurt a lot of your fellow citizens. And what are you gaining exactly? A few hundred dollars in lower taxes?

What else are you willing to sacrifice for your own personal gain? Other people’s freedom? Other peoples lives? Because people have died and gone to jail because of his reckless, selfish, evil, self-serving, pandering, swindling, despicable, loathing, abominable behavior as the leader of this country. And I’m talking about his behavior before, during and after his one term.

Trump likes to demonize liberals. Why? Liberals are all about equality, inclusion and diversity. What’s so wrong with that? I mean, what are your values exactly? Seriously? What are they?

You all like that he’s so ballsy, right? Then YOU have the balls and just say you are against equality, inclusion and diversity, because that’s what liberals are for. Period. Do some of them go too far left? Yes, they do. But extremists on any side are just that, EXTREME.

You don’t have the discernment to NOT throw the baby out with the bath water? Or are you really against equality, inclusion and diversity? If that’s the case, JUST HAVE THE BALLS AND SAY IT. Let’s just get real. Are we really doing this? Is this where we are as a country? Just say it then.

Make America Great AGAIN? At what point in time was America so great that you want to go backwards? Are you telling me half of you want it to go back to the 50’s when women stayed home taking care of the kids, (are the Trump men so angry because women took their jobs so you want them to get pregnant so they can’t work)? Or was it when schools and businesses were segregated? Or when gays couldn’t’ marry? Or was it before all of the anti-discrimination laws were enacted? Or was it before FDR and social security to help the elderly? When was it? Was it before the Civil War or before the emancipation of slaves? Is that what you want America to be AGAIN? Progress is forward moving. So tell us. Back to when?

I’m so ashamed at what some of you have done to our reputation. What do you think the rest of the world is thinking about us now? We’re a joke to them. They don’t blame the politicians. They blame the people who elect them. SO DO I!

You deserve better than this. WE deserve better than this. WE ARE better than this. Or am I wrong about that? Who are we as a nation? What the hell do we stand for anymore?

We were the beacon of light for the rest of the world. We were the melting pot. Are you saying you don’t want that anymore? So just say it! You like ballsy Trump, so just have the balls and repeat after me, “I am against inclusion, equality and diversity.” Otherwise, if that’s NOT how you feel, then what the f*@k are you doing?

Some of you may be feeling pretty confident right now, but the Universe doesn’t like ugly. I truly believe you are going to see proof of that very soon.

Power changes hands all the time. You have a chance to make it right. So are you going to vote for Trump or anyone who refused to denounce him and distance themselves from the shit storm he created? I mean, he lied to you. FOX lied to you. And every Republican leader who played along or is just sitting silently by is laughing at you because you actually continue to vote for them.

You don’t want to vote Democrat? That’s fine. But demand that your Republican leaders denounce Trump right now, say they are absolutely for inclusion, equality and diversity, that they ARE for teaching ALL American history, and that they are for allowing ALL people the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Isn’t that what America is about?

Are we the land of the free and the home of the brave? Then be brave and claim your bigotry so we can all see, or be brave and stand up for freedom for ALL Americans.

We are making history right now. What are your grandchildren, great-grandchildren and great-great grandchildren going to be saying about you? Will they want to hide your history, or will they be proud of it? You get to choose.

I hope you choose the right side this time. One can only hope.

