social humans
2 min readDec 1, 2015

The following Gmail options are enabled by default in your Admin console. The settings are domain-wide, so they affect all of the users in your domain.

POP and IMAP access: This feature allows users to continue to access their email in their familiar email client. View a list of supported email clients, and learn how to enable or disable access.

  • Note: At this time, it’s not possible to enable IMAP while using the basic Gmail HTML interface. Please use the standard Gmail view to use this option.
  • Themes: This feature allows users to customize the look and feel of their Gmail accounts by choosing their own colors and background schemes. Users with visual or learning impairments may benefit from the High contrast theme. Changing themes doesn’t affect the content or functionality of Gmail, nor does it alter any settings applied by the administrator, such as a customized logo.
  • Google Apps Sync for Microsoft Outlook: This plug-in lets you use Microsoft Outlook® as a client for Google Apps email, calendar, and contacts. Email, calendar events (including recurring meetings), and contacts are all synchronized between Google Apps and Microsoft Outlook.
  • Note: Google Apps Sync for Microsoft Outlook isn’t supported for Mac. Microsoft Outlook for Mac doesn’t support the Messaging Application Programming Interface (MAPI), which is required for Google Apps Sync to communicate with Outlook. This Outlook limitation makes a Mac-compatible version of Google Apps Sync infeasible.

