Beautiful Constraints

Werner Puchert
1 min readApr 30, 2018


“Give me the freedom of a tight brief”, David Ogilvy.

I often think back to the large easels in the life-drawing class. Each blank sheet ripe with endless possibilities. There was a time that they also represented personal failure. My first defining strokes kept failing to capture the pose, proportions, mood.

The teacher, in a last-ditch effort to coach her failing student, “Destroy the surface, pass the white paint, grab that black acrylic, is that a nail over there? Scratch up the surface. Get your hands dirty!”

Gazing at the destroyed surface, the instruction that changed everything. “Go ahead! Extract the figure from the noise”.

Fast forward 15 years.

The discomfort of a blank page, cursor stuck in one spot, blinking .

99 Ideas allude me; it might be ‘blank-canvas syndrome’ or ‘writer’s block’. I know these excuses don’t exist.

Where is the noise?

Realisation. I need to set the constraints, the formative strokes on the blank canvas. Specific parameters that, at first, seem to throttle creativity.

A cacophony of opportunities erupt! The act of attempting to ‘create ideas’ turns to ‘extracting ideas’, the most compelling, buried near the borders of the constraints.

Finally. Who sets these constraints? Who’s job is it? Mine.

The task, the text alludes to, was to create 99 Business Concepts. It got off to a very slow start, but creativity erupted once we set the constraints, some of them where (1) Type: Boot-stap Businesses (2) Industry: Food etc. Brainwriting and a set of business model cards help oil the process but it was the initial constraints that lit the fuse.

