Richard Scott MorelandIM NOT ON THE JUICE BUT IM MOTIVATEDWhere do we begin? First of all to my buddies who are across the border I want to ask you a few questions.Jun 9Jun 9
Richard Scott MorelandFORGIVENESS IS KEYToday I want to talk about how much Gratitude and Love for you and your life.May 183May 183
Richard Scott MorelandTHE LORD IS COMING CLEAR THE WAY HES BACK FROM HEAVENYou might not know this yet because you may not have heard of this before but I’ve been trying to get the best out of all of us.May 17May 17
Richard Scott MorelandHAVE YOU EVER MADE AN ILLEGAL RIGHT TURNThis country needs more people to stand against this corrupt and incompetent dictators who has no place in politics.May 15May 15