Idyll-lang: Make your app stand out with interactive data-driven stories

Trevor-Indrek Lasn
The Startup
Published in
4 min readAug 3, 2018


Idyll is an open-source markup language and web runtime

Do you know what’s hot right now?

Explorable explanations.

Explorable explanations are data-driven documents which have interactivity. You have seen many EE’s on the web, everyone loves them!

Take this carefully crafted graph for instance.

It’s a well-designed graph with animations and it’s very informative.

Explorable explanations make things fun — The way we receive the information is compelling.

Traveling Salesman Algorithms

We crave new information, especially with great delivery and aesthetics.

Traveling Salesman Algorithms

Here’s a great article going in more depth on being an active reader, reactive

