I Have Just One Question for Antifa

Wesley Messamore
5 min readJun 30, 2019


Is Antifa trying to look like the Foot Clan from Ninja Turtles on purpose? You guys do know those were the bad guys right?

Yeah they know they’re the bad guys:

Antifa Assaults Journalist

Journalist Andy Ngo was assaulted by Antifa at a demonstration in Portland Saturday. He’s now in the hospital with brain swelling and burns on his face from quick dry cement.

The bogus description on the YouTube page for the video above, uploaded by the Oregonian, by the way, says:

“Rival demonstrators clashed Saturday afternoon in downtown Portland, resulting in myriad injuries and three arrests. Police said three of the injured people received medical care at area hospitals. Among the people injured over the course of the afternoon was Andy Ngo, the conservative writer who appeared to be attacked by antifa members.”

Rival demonstrators clashed? We can see the video dude. That doesn’t look like rival demonstrators clashing to me.

That’s just a mob ganging up on a single, unarmed individual who’s obviously not trying to fight anyone, outnumbered and defenseless, surrounded by shrieking demons who kick and punch him so badly he’s now in the hospital with brain swelling.

Michelle Malkin put together a GoFundMe for Andy Ngo and donors have currently raised nearly $100,000 to help Andy as he lays in a hospital bed with brain injuries and the skin on his face burnt by quick dry cement. Andy Ngo on Twitter. And Quillette.

When I see scenes like this with a menacing mob of people with hoods on and their faces covered, I think all that’s missing is like a burning cross or something. This is what the left looks like in America today? And people called the Tea Party terrorists for protesting the national debt in the most polite political demonstrations I’ve ever seen. They didn’t even leave any litter in the parks and town squares where they demonstrated.

I used to think Portland was like a super chill place.

I used to love that show Portlandia. Made me think the place was super laid back, but I guess not everyone there is. Probably a lot still are, they just don’t make the news for being laid back.

Is This A Photo of Antifa Burning A Cross?

Okay it’s not, but that’s the only thing missing from this picture.

If you got in a time machine and brought someone back from the 1920s and showed them this picture, they would instantly think, “So that’s what the KKK looks like in 2019.”

And I’m predicting right now that at some future point one of these Antifa rallies is going to burn a cross in protest to some supposed affront of Christianity’s against their political correctness thought crime regime. And then they’ll really look like the KKK.

Although they are already doing a pretty good job without the burning crosses. Antifa wears masks and holds rallies calling for organized violence? Check. They’re literally some of the whitest people in the world beating up a gay, Asian journalist? Check. Supports the Democratic Party? Check.

These guys are not antifascists okay?

They definitely don’t look like anti-fascists to me.

They look like fascists.

This is what real anti-fascists look like.

Photo: Alisdare Hickson via Flickr

I’m scared to even post this blog, that I’m going to get an antifatwa issued on me like some Muslims did on Salmon Rushdie and one of these crazy people will try to find me and hurt me.

Antifa Assaulted Andy Ngo for Journalism

A lot of the right wing crowd on Twitter are trying to shame the left by saying, “Will you disavow Antifa’s attack on a gay man in Portland!? Just stop it guys. I see what you’re trying to do, but this is weak. They didn’t attack him because he was gay. They attacked him because he’s a journalist. It wasn’t a hate crime against gays. It was a hate crime against truth.

Here’s what Andy Ngo revealed about Antifa last November:

GRAPHIC CONTENT: Be forewarned, watching this makes my blood pressure go up and almost gives me a headache and chest pains, it might not be good for you to watch either.

This entire video just looks like a documentary of the damned in one of the seven circles of hell.

At 4:38 there’s some seriously disturbing or hilarious– depending on your temperament– graphic nudity of an Antifa protestor aggressively sexually harassing one of the crowd control cops.

Speaking of whom — as clear as it is that the police force needed to be there for this unruly mob, it is double plus ungood for heavily armed, militarized police pointing rifles at civilians (as you see in the video) to become the new norm in America.

Antifa is either not sophisticated enough to understand their overt, menacing radicalism makes regular people more likely to accept police militarization (i.e. fascism) because they’re more afraid of Antifa than they are of the police, and it’s not hard to see why.

Or I suspect maybe deep down that’s what Antifa wants — to see the whole world burn. They certainly don’t seem friendly, kind, or caring — just angry, vicious, ugly, and terrifying. They’re total freaks. And some of the most fascist people on Earth. If you liked this article follow me on Twitter.

