Wessam Bou Assaly ~ How To Succeed As A Radiologist

Wessam Bou Assaly
2 min readApr 1, 2019


Radiology is a field of medicine that involves using imaging to diagnose and treat injuries and illnesses. Wessam Bou-Assaly is a radiologist in Ann Arbor, Michigan. He studied medicine at a French university and then completed his radiology residency at Caen and Lille in France. He moved to the United States in 2004 to pursue an advanced education in neuroradiology and nuclear medicine. He is an experienced and knowledgeable radiologist.

As with any field of medicine, radiology requires a large amount of education and dedication. Successful radiologists study hard to learn about the different types of imaging in radiology. In order to become a radiologist, you will need to complete medical school as well as a radiology residency. Both of these require several years of study. If you want to be a successful radiologist you will need to do well in these studies.

The medical industry as a whole is filled with cutting edge research and state of the art treatments. If you want to be a successful radiologist, then you will need to keep current on the research in your field. Read peer review journals such as World Journal of Radiology or Clinical Radiology. These, and other journals like them, will help you stay current on the innovations in your field.

Wessam Bou-Assaly studied radiology while he was in a residency program in France. After he moved to the United States in 2004, he studied neuroradiology and nuclear medicine. Wessam Bou-Assaly is a dedicated radiologist who has worked hard to build a successful career.



Wessam Bou Assaly

Wessam Bou-Assaly is a radiologist in Ann Arbor, Michigan. He began his medical training while he was living in France.