The 23 Best Continuous Integration Testing Tools [List]

Alex West
5 min readMar 14, 2017


Thought I’d put together an aggregated list of all the continuous integration tools out there. Let me know if I missed any!


  • Allows developers to test RAML API descriptions against a backend instance of their API.
  • Abao does not provide CI server integration of the box, but scripting its execution from a build job definition is fairly easy.


  • Allows developers to automatically generate SDKs from API descriptions, which can be imported from existing API Blueprint, Swagger and RAML API descriptions.
  • Initiates the code gen process from CI, by providing an API that can be called from a build job definition, allowing the compiled SDK automatically keep step with the state of the API.


  • Comes in 2 separate versions: cloud and server.
  • Pricing plans are based on the build agent count rather than the users.
  • Native support for JIRA and BitBucket and can easily import Jenkins configurations.


  • Used in Mozilla, Webkit, Chromium, and others.
  • Uses a master/slave configuration.
  • Masters monitor source code repositories for changes, coordinate with the slaves, and report back to the users and dev team.
  • Slaves run on various OS’s.
  • This design allows your installation to grow from simple processes to more complex ones to meet your requirements.


  • API testing framework built on Node.js and Mocha.
  • Implements a behavior-driven development style of testing (although it does not use Gherkin-style test definitions).
  • Does not provide CI server integration of the box, but like the other examples scripting it’s execution from a build job definition would not be difficult.

Circle CI

  • Hosted-only solution
  • Supports GitHub, PHP, Node.js, Java, Skala, Python, Haskell, Ruby on Rails and Docker
  • Pricing is based on fixed-price “containers” that can hold as many projects as you need


  • Supports Java, PHP, Ruby (Rails), Node.js, Python, and Go,
  • Deploy your projects on services like AWS or Heroku.
  • Trial includes one concurrent build and one parallel test pipeline.
  • Priced in several tiers including custom plans and an optional Docker add on.


  • Enterprise-level continuous integration solution.
  • Includes automated builds, release management, role-based security.
  • Integrates with popular build tools and source control management systems.


  • Allows developers to create a suite of unit and functional tests for their own or any third-party API.
  • Includes support for security, authentication and hypermedia.
  • Developers can perform scenario-based testing to test multiple features of an API.
  • Offers Jenkins and Maven plugins.

Dredd, by Apiary

  • Language agnostic command-line tool for validating API documentation written in API Blueprint.
  • Developers use Dredd to execute their tests, with the results posted in the Apiary development console.
  • Requires using an API Blueprint to describe the API for continuous integration.
  • Does not provide CI server integration out of the box.


  • A node module for testing APIs.
  • Allows developers to create tests in JavaScript.
  • Does not have built-in integration with CI servers but can be called from a script-based build job definition using its command line interface.
  • Has the ability to generate JUnit format test reports, compatible with several CI servers including Jenkins and Bamboo.

GitLab CI

  • Hosted on, a free hosted service that provides detailed git repository management.
  • Includes features like access control, issue tracking, code reviews and more.
  • Fully integrated with GitLab and can easily hook projects using the GitLab API.
  • Process builds are written in Go language and can run on Windows, Linux, OSX, FreeBSD, and Docker.
  • Includes built-in Docker support.


  • Free of charge, excluding commercial support.
  • Available for Windows, Mac, and various Linux distributions.
  • Uses the concept of pipelines to make modeling complex build workflows easy.
  • Designed to eliminate build process bottlenecks with parallel execution of tasks.
  • Lets you distribute builds across different systems and monitor them all in one place.
  • Has the ability to visualize the entire continuous delivery workflow with the value stream map to track the entire change from commit to deployment.


  • Open-source CI tool written in Java.
  • Cross-platform tool that offers configuration both through GUI interface and console commands.
  • Plugins make Jenkins very flexible to extend features.
  • Jenkins prides itself on distributing builds and test loads on multiple machines.
  • Published under MIT license so it is free to use and distribute.

Mobile Labs Inc.

  • Designed to meet enterprise-level testing needs.
  • Flagship deviceConnect solution allows developers to run automated testing on real devices.
  • Integrates with automation tools like Jenkins.


  • Provides cloud-based continuous integration and delivery for mobile applications such as Android, iOS, Cordova and Ionic.
  • Offers a free trial
  • Seamlessly integrates with Bitbucket & GitHub


  • Supports importing API descriptions in RAML, Swagger and WADL formats.
  • Developers can create tests using JavaScript and bundle into “collections” for executing automated test suites.
  • Can be incorporated into a script-based build job definition on most CI servers.
  • Provides a Jenkins implementation walkthrough this with their blog, where they use the built-in scripting capability to call the client, passing the required Postman collection as a parameter.


  • API monitoring and testing tool to be used throughout an organization’s development lifecycle.
  • Includes capabilities such as automatic test generation from a Swagger description or Postman collection.
  • One of the most mature tools in this space with several features for CI.
  • Provides detailed information on how to configure the “Trigger URL” webhook for a series of CI servers and platforms.
  • Provides integration to analytics platforms for detailed digestion of test results.
  • Has a plugin for Jenkins available in the Jenkins plugin repository.


  • Offers a free plan with unlimited open source builds and 150 builds/mo for private repos.
  • Premium Docker support with native integrations with all registries and orchestration platforms.


  • Their Ready! API platform provides developers with the means to create API tests with their TestRunner and TestServer products.
  • Tests can be integrated with Jenkins using a plugin.
  • For CI servers other than Jenkins, SOAP UI comes with a command line tool that could be called using script from a build job definition.


  • Written in Node.JS and JavaScript, and uses MongoDB as a backing store.
  • Extremely customizable through plugins.
  • May require coding to set up.


  • Mature CI server, coming from the labs of the JetBrains company.
  • Offers all its features in its free version, but is limited to 20 configurations and 3 build agents.
  • Offers strong .NET support.
  • Has a wide variety of plugins, developed both by JetBrains and third parties.

Travis CI

  • Uses virtual machines to build apps.
  • Open source and free for all open source projects on GitHub.
  • Hosted solution and does not depend on any platform.
  • It supports a variety of different languages.
  • Build configuration has great documentation.

List compiled from these sources:

