ETF Tokens in Circularity Finance: Revolutionizing Digital Asset Management

X's in my Future
5 min readJul 7, 2024



Welcome to July. Big things are coming up in the CIFI community this July. Some things included are: Video with Crypto Eri and her audience will be launched on July 15th, Move2Earn begins tomorrow on the 8th with the bounties prelaunch registration NOW live (helping people earn by living an active lifestyle) and so much more. Let usdelve into some tech though.

Circularity Finance (CIFI) is at the forefront of innovative financial solutions, leveraging blockchain technology to create a massive, unique and sustainable decentralized finance (DeFi) ecosystem. One of its standout features is the introduction of ETF tokens, which bring new opportunities for earning, investment diversification, and asset management. In this article, we delve into the mechanisms behind ETF tokens, their benefits, and how they fit into the broader framework of Circularity Finance.

Mechanism for Earning ETF Tokens and Their Benefits

Earning Through Stability Pools

ETF tokens in Circularity Finance are designed to reward participants through involvement in stability pools. When the assets in these pools reach a $3M threshold, participants can earn ETF tokens representing their share in the XRC4626 Vault. This mechanism not only incentivizes participation but also ensures a stable and thriving ecosystem.

Passive Income Streams

Holding ETF tokens opens up avenues for passive income. These tokens derive value from the performance and management of the assets within the XRC4626 Vault, allowing holders to potentially earn income without active trading or investment management.

Diversification of Investment

ETF tokens provide a diversified portfolio, reducing the risk associated with holding a single type of asset. By offering exposure to a mix of digital and sustainable assets, ETF tokens help investors achieve a balanced and resilient investment strategy.

Fractionalized Ownership: Rights Explained

Fractionalized ownership is a core feature of the ETF tokens in Circularity Finance, bringing inclusivity and broader access to diverse asset classes.

Fractional Ownership of a Diverse Portfolio

Each ETF token signifies fractional ownership in the diverse portfolio of assets within the ERC4626 Vault. Token holders own a part of the entire pool of assets, not just a single asset, allowing for risk spread and investment in high-value assets that might otherwise be inaccessible.

Accessibility and Inclusivity

This fractionalization democratizes access to a variety of assets, making high-value or unique sustainable investments reachable for individual investors. It ensures that even small investors can participate in high-growth opportunities. This means you don’t have to be a millionaire to actively participate in these great opportunities.

Rights and Benefits

As fractional owners, ETF token holders are entitled to a share of the benefits from the vault’s assets, including profits from asset appreciation, income from sustainable initiatives, or other financial returns. This feature aligns investors’ interests with the platform’s success.

Liquidity and Transferability

ETF tokens can be traded or transferred, providing liquidity and flexibility to participants. This liquidity is crucial in the DeFi space, where market efficiency and the ability to quickly adjust positions are highly valued.

Liquidation Mechanisms: Process and Conditions for Liquidations

Liquidation processes in Circularity Finance are essential for maintaining platform stability, especially concerning loans and collateralized assets.

Trigger for Liquidation

A loan enters the liquidation process when it loses 40% of its original value at issuance. This devaluation triggers a risk mitigation protocol to safeguard the platform’s financial health.

Role of Decentralized Buyer of Last Resort

Upon liquidation, the protocol employs a “Decentralized Buyer of Last Resort” mechanism. This utilizes funds from the Money Market Fund (MMF) to purchase the liquidated asset, stabilizing the protocol and preventing under-collateralization.

Governance and Execution of Liquidations

Liquidations are overseen by designated Governors of the ecosystem, identified through a special governor NFT. In high-demand scenarios, VIP NFT holders can also participate in liquidation events, ensuring a robust and participatory governance model.

Understanding Exclusive ETF Tokens as XRC1404 Tokens

ETF tokens in Circularity Finance are based on the ERC1404 standard on the XDC Network, allowing for controlled and compliant token transfers.

Representation of Diverse Assets

ETF tokens represent ownership in a diversified portfolio of assets within the MMF, including digital assets and unique items like Carbon Credit Certificates. This mix ensures that token holders benefit from both digital growth and sustainable investments.

Value of REFI Tokens

The value of REFI tokens is linked to the total value held within the MMF’s ETF basket of assets. As assets are liquidated and added to the basket, the intrinsic value of REFI tokens reflects the growing asset base, providing a transparent and direct correlation between asset management and token value.

Assets Held in the Vaults

The assets within the ERC4626 Vaults are diverse, reflecting Circularity Finance’s broad investment strategy and commitment to sustainability.

Digital Assets

The vaults hold various cryptocurrencies like BTC, XDC, and ETH, aligning with the platform’s DeFi nature and providing a strong digital asset base.

Carbon Credit Certificates

Including Carbon Credit Certificates underscores the platform’s commitment to environmental sustainability. These unique assets represent validated positive climate actions, adding a novel and impactful asset class to the DeFi space.

Rewards for Liquidation Events

Governors who successfully liquidate loans are incentivized through a reward mechanism, ensuring active and responsible governance.

REFI Token Rewards

For each liquidation event, governors receive 50 REFI tokens. This reward system not only incentivizes the maintenance of protocol stability but also aligns governors’ interests with the platform’s overall health.

Incentivizing Active Governance

By rewarding governors with REFI tokens, Circularity Finance ensures active and vigilant governance, crucial for maintaining system stability and trustworthiness.


The liquidation mechanisms in Circularity Finance are designed to maintain platform stability and integrity, even amidst volatile market conditions. The use of ETF tokens as ERC1404 tokens allows for controlled and diversified investment strategies, while rewards for governors conducting liquidations ensure active and responsible management. This comprehensive approach to liquidations reflects Circularity Finance’s commitment to creating a resilient and sustainable DeFi ecosystem.

Circularity Finance’s ETF tokens present a sophisticated asset management and investment system that aligns with the platform’s sustainability goals. By offering participants innovative ways to diversify investments and earn passive income, Circularity Finance is not only enhancing the DeFi space but also setting a benchmark for future financial ecosystems (especially green ones).

There is great promise within the CIFI community — not only to offer stablility and accessbility within the ecostyem, but to set a standard for green companies and companies who strive to become the best they can be.

