Patience Over Insanity: A CiFi Philosophy

X's in my Future
4 min readJun 10, 2024


The world of cryptocurrency has transformed into a realm populated by addicted gamblers — those who venture into the abyss, clinging to the slim hope of dramatically altering their lives. If, after years of hard work and diligent saving, it seems illogical to gamble away all our earnings on roulette or an enticing, brightly-lit slot machine, why then do people rush toward meme coins and aimless projects that offer no real value? In my view, it’s because they’ve seen a few individuals strike it rich, which inspires them to enter the fray with high hopes but minimal chances of success. This phenomenon mirrors the broader crypto landscape, where a select few accumulate vast wealth, creating an illusion that masks the reality of countless others suffering losses. This deceptive allure often resets people back to square one, perpetuating their struggle to break free from the rat race.

So, What’s the Solution?

If we diligently work each day for our passions and for those we love unconditionally, we manage our finances wisely. We invest our money in stocks, real estate, start businesses, or fund educational degrees — all meaningful actions that elevate our lives beyond the ordinary. We approach our goals with purpose and passion, and we remain rational and patient, no matter the slow pace of progress. This same disciplined mentality should extend to our activities in the cryptocurrency market. Instead of repeating the same mistakes and facing losses, we should invest in projects with real utility and purpose. We aim to be disciplined rather than reckless and insane. So why not consider CiFi? It’s a promising opportunity under a two million market cap, built on our favored XDC network

Who Am I?

If you’re familiar with my background, you know I’ve been part of the crypto community for quite some time. My goal has always been to help people understand and maximize the potential of their investments while remaining motivated and resilient. My journey began with XRP, transitioned through XDC, moved on to PLI — the premier oracle for XDC — and now focuses on CiFi, the future of regenerative finance. My intention isn’t to shill or persuade; rather, I’m here to support you through our shared journey toward financial freedom — a chance for a better life.

Massive Utility

CiFi has massive utility at such a small marketcap. Circularity Finance (CiFi) is a massive project within the decentralized finance (DeFi) sphere that leverages blockchain technology to offer unique utilities aimed at fostering a more sustainable and equitable financial ecosystem. Their offerings include innovative tokenomics, unique utility tokens, and a range of financial products that cater to different sectors of the economy.

One of CiFi’s standout features is its focus on regenerative finance, aiming to create financial products that contribute to economic sustainability. This includes providing liquidity providers with up to 90% protection against impermanent losses through their LP NFT Protection Policy, an innovative approach to mitigate common risks in DeFi environments​​.

CiFi also delves deeply into the integration of blockchain technology to enhance financial security and capital management. This integration allows for unparalleled decentralization, interoperability, and security while maintaining the custody of user assets, which is vital for trust and reliability in financial transactions​.

Also, CiFi is involved in creating microeconomies through its platform by offering tools for deploying custom tokens, conducting airdrops, and facilitating staking opportunities. This empowers communities to manage their economic activities directly and efficiently​​.

Additionally, their platform includes a seamless donation management system designed for complex financial transactions. It features automated financial operations such as gift acknowledgments and tax receipt management for crypto donations, which simplifies the administrative burden on organizations and enhances their fundraising capabilities​​.

Circularity Finance is continuously innovating, as evidenced by their development arm, CIFI Labs, which focuses on advancing financial technologies to address modern challenges in the fintech sector​​.

In summary, Circularity Finance is setting a precedent for future financial systems that prioritize sustainability, security, and efficiency, making it a significant player in the future of decentralized finance.

Sacrifice for Your Future

Many people today aren’t willing to make sacrifices for their future — sometimes, a single sacrifice can dramatically alter not only your life but also your family’s. Reflect on your life and spending habits. I often think of Tyler Durden’s quote from “Fight Club”: “We work jobs we hate to buy things we don’t need.” Ask yourself whether you truly need that item, and explore other paths that could turn your hard-earned money into more money. Prioritizing appreciating assets over depreciating ones is crucial for achieving freedom. I began with investments in XRP, XDC, and XLM, and have now expanded into smaller cap coins like PLI and CiFi. Getting in early can accelerate our journey to the life we desire, outpacing those who join later — or not at all.

A CiFi Philosophy

If you aim to succeed in the cryptocurrency game, you must get involved before the majority begins to take notice. You need to hold faith in it before anyone else does and commit fully before the opportunity slips away. My philosophy is about being present from the start — I am here while the train is still being constructed, as the foundations are laid, even before it begins to move, and often before the train itself exists — when there are only tracks laid out. I believe the future of regenerative finance is here, and I am committed to highlighting their achievements weekly. Our journey begins at this moment, yet it is our enduring patience that remains in the background, guiding us and aiding us in overcoming any challenges that arise. Tune in next week for another beautiful timeline added to the CiFi journey.

