Authoreon’s Strategy in Protecting Goods Status

Westi mario
4 min readSep 11, 2019


Each person has his or her own way of valuing goods that are produced from his hard work. Not infrequently they will make crates and safes or rent certain places that provide high-tech security systems. This is done to protect goods in terms of physical and quality. But did you know that an item requires not only physical protection, but also legal protection.

In this world, goods are generally classified into two types, namely valuables and goods that are not very valuable. Where valuables are goods that have a use value and high selling value. While valuables are goods that generally only have a use value, but do not have a high selling price. We take the example of luxury goods manufactured from world-renowned brands. Where all the goods they produce have a certificate of ownership that is authorized by the parties — the authority of the authority. But should we as consumers bring ownership certificates to all places to show people — people. This is felt to be very inefficient, and therefore as a society that lives in the era of technology we are required to think and behave intelligently.

From the review of the above problems, at least this can be the main inspiration for technology scientists to create and empower Authoreon. Where it is a platform that provides anti-counterfeiting and theft of goods services by integrating Blockchain technology. As a platform engaged in the security of an item, it is also appropriate that it uses systems and technology components that provide the fastest access to services and qualified security facilities. Because the main key to a security platform to attract the attention of its users is to describe in detail the security facilities provided.

Valuable goods certainly have a very expensive sale value. Therefore the owner does not hesitate to pay a large fee to provide a series of treatments, even as for the owner who minimizes its use. This is of course done to maintain the quality of the goods, which will later have a positive domino effect on the sale value. There are various motives for a person buying luxury goods, including to fulfill a desire to improve social status, a means of proving one’s hard work, and to make an investment process. All luxury goods purchased for all these purposes, of course, also require a device that provides a service for detecting authenticity quickly. Therefore Authoreon comes with a special application designed on a smartphone operating system.

To show its seriousness in providing authenticity detection services. Authoreon sharply divides its focus on serving all merchandise needs. Did you know that humans are creatures that have lust and desire, and therefore he has a tendency to never be satisfied with something that can be. This is indicated by buying a number of luxury goods. But besides that we are also blessed with reason and mind in order to behave wisely. Just like the founder and technology scientists of Authoreon who have decided to build this high-tech security platform.

Authoreon currently provides a variety of services that support the trading process. Where for each item will be inputted A-ID code, which code can be scanned by the application. Authreon also strongly supports producers in the process of distributing goods, in which all movements of the goods will be monitored always. Therefore, if smuggling or theft occurs, the producer can immediately report it to the local authorities. Furthermore, the A-ID code will also be installed at all retail stores that have received official permission to sell these luxury goods. Another advantage of Authoreon is that it can detect the chain of ownership of these luxury goods. So that consumers will not be easily fooled, if the goods are offered with the latest status.

Did you know that Authoreon opened up insights on the importance of protecting the status of goods, both ownership and authenticity. Currently the world is being hit by a number of psychological problems, which are very difficult for someone to believe in others. This is common in business relationships. Therefore, do not when all business agreements will be recorded in detail on a paper and ratified with strong legal evidence. Just imagine this psychological problem can only be resolved legally, so as not to harm various parties. Therefore the presence of Authoreon, which we can feel the benefits directly in the grip of a smartphone. At least provide fresh air for entrepreneurs to propagate investment plans that he had planned earlier.

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BTT URL:;u=2578930;sa=summary

Ethereum: 0x592C3c1E55cea51529221F5f32b287c31a8a0bCB

