
Jennifer, you're totally right. Especially with a creature as intelligent as an elephant/mammoth, there's going to be social aspects that also won't be taught to the new offspring.

We don't have a lot of data on mammoth culture, really. We know they lived in herds, but we don't know much else. Did they cooperate similarly to modern elephants?

Additionally, it's not clear whether Colossal plans to introduce all genes, or just those related to cold resistance. There may be additional mammoth genes that would change their temperament that may not be put into this embryo, resulting in an elephant that's hairy on the outside, but still fully 'modern elephant' on the inside.

I'm sure there are smart people thinking about this issue at Colossal, but it does highlight yet another challenge in the uphill battle of potentially restoring an extinct species.



Sam Westreich, PhD

PhD in genetics, bioinformatician, scientist at a Silicon Valley startup. Microbiome is the secret of biology that we’ve overlooked.