What the Hell is Up With RadioShack’s Twitter?

Crypto shilling, “fam”, and… squirting? Why this old brand is going crazy on Twitter

Sam Westreich, PhD
6 min readJul 4, 2022


A tweet from RadioShack, stating “If you find a squirter marry her”.
This particular tweet is still up for now, but how long will it stay? Source: Reddit

When is the last time you even thought about RadioShack? If you’re under the age of 25, have you even heard of the brand?

Personally, it’s been years — until I saw a few tweets from the brand’s official Twitter account, being shared around the internet. They include comments like “If you find a squirter, marry her” (as shown in the screenshot above), as well as gems like:



Sam Westreich, PhD

PhD in genetics, bioinformatician, scientist at a Silicon Valley startup. Microbiome is the secret of biology that we’ve overlooked.