Top Stages of Content Marketing Approach: All About Content Lifecycle | Miss Now, Regret Later!

Taqi Ahmed
5 min readJul 25, 2019


Start with imagination, just suppose, you forward a request demanding high-quality content to your team which delivers within a deadline and up to the mark as expected. You start witnessing the outcomes and almost all of a sudden.

Doesn’t it sound like a dream? Isn’t it? We too thought the so till now.

So, have you ever analyzed what’s the secret behind?

Obviously, it’s a simple one, Content Lifecycle, it actually works.

What is the Definition of Content Lifecycle?

Content Lifecycle is the stages of a content which progresses all through from its creation until its deletion. These stages rely totally on the observer’s role.

Explore the web, and you will hit a few distinct opinions on the particular stages that should belong to any content lifecycle. It’s totally your call, which states you want to employ. Some go with the listing of only two phases whereas, the others reveal as many as twelve. The main secret behind is to be steady in your approach despite which phases you pick to proceed.

Now, next, we will consider the most generally used stages of the content lifecycle for the marketers of SEO and how it has been so helpful to the success of our content marketing.

Let’s start with the top 7 stages of the content lifecycle as below:

  • Ideation
  • Creation
  • Contribution
  • Storage
  • Versioning
  • Publication
  • Analyzation

So, what’s the actual requirement of these stages. Let’s check out.

#Stage 1: Ideation

While there lies some difference in the intermediate steps of the content lifecycle, almost everyone admits that an organization or ideation phase should be given the first position.

While this stage is in a run, everyone that is embraced in the creation of the content should lie on the same page. The rules for the creation and optimization of the content should be built. It also points towards making an idea in which direction will the content go, holding the language, going through the sample personas, and more.

Basically, this place is meant for mapping your idea for content with the essential approaches of your business.

#Stage 2: Creation

The name, creation stage is also often given to the capturing stage. Here, at this spot actually, the content is authored or created by the writers, videographers, designers, or the other members of the adept team. The objectives, goals, or ideas of the established production or the organization that are created in the first stage should be implemented now.

This stage generally needs most of the time. To produce the expected and best outcome at the last, enough time, and space should be bestowed to the content creators so that high-quality information can be delivered depending on the objectives.

#Stage 3: Contribution

Most of this stage returns back to the rules and guidelines that were drawn in stage one.

While the contribution stage is carried out, many individuals run the editing, handling, adding, and review of the content. This is the main reason because of which it’s crucial that all the involved are acknowledged about the purpose of the content, voice, and the customers, for whom the content is created.

Some of the times, when the project goes under many eyes, it may cause the content to lose the focus, so targeting on the project’s main vision is important during this stage.

#Stage 4: Storage

Also known as the repository stage, this storage stage tells about the way of content will be stored.

For instance, you may store your content as simply XML elements, tagged with the metadata, or an unstructured text. Whether you pick a file system or a database (or a blend) for storing your documents, be sure keeping your business requirements in mind.

With file-based storage systems, you may not offer access to the large quantities of content, on the contrary, a database will make your content monitoring easier from the initial to the end.

#Stage 5: Versioning

An editing manner that permits for analysis to be both the adjusted and applied in the possibly easiest way is versioning. All through the content lifecycle, the more the individuals committing to the project, the better the purpose of content along with the errors will be served with varied distinct opinions.

Through versioning, we get permission to track the emergence of your content all through the lifecycle making the fixes in the language or the grammatical errors without endangering the whole piece and if necessary returning to a past draft.

#Stage 6: Publication

There can be many forms that the publishing part can hold. Your content can be considered as a blog post, article, email campaign, landing page, infographic, video or even a podcast that depends on your target audience and also on the content’s purpose itself. There exist varied sorts of content, each clutching its unique purposes along with benefits.

Once your content format gets finalized, be sure that it gets published on numerous publication platforms to ensure the best quality.

#Stage 7: Repetition & Analyzation

Once you meet your publication goal, the time arrives, which demands the preservation of content and learning from it. Some of the content will be deleted, but be sure that the others should be put in the archive acknowledging as the belonging of “institutional memory” of the business. Especially, this content that is saved should be preserved as evidence to the calibre and knowledge of your business for future replication.

You and your team will get the learning for your future by analyzing your live content. Your future mistakes can even be out of your imagination when you will start noticing the performance of your content in accomplishing its goals. It will also offer an outlook into finding a way out for preparing such akin goals in the upcoming time.

The cycle repeats itself on and on once the next project of content comes.

So, hope you find the top strategies of content marketing help for your next content project. You are also most welcome with your comments and other relevant queries. Don’t forget to write to us.



Taqi Ahmed

Taqi is SEO Manager in WeTech Digital. WeTech is web design & development, QA, Digital Marketing company in India & UK. Visit to know more.