why self-care?

Jyoti Massey
3 min readJul 29, 2023


you don’t need self care ……………….

you don’t need self care if you don’t want a better sleep, do not want to get rid of headaches, want lack of motivation and live with lack of energy.

Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash

Ask yourself do you really want to live a life like this and also with some extra stress and burden upon yourself or you want to live a life that you have always dreamed of.

but In the fast-paced world of freelancing and writing, where deadlines loom like shadows, it’s easy to neglect the most important aspect of your success: your well-being.

with never ending deadlines, constant meeting and working for hour but still not feeling happy its crucial to take a step back and embrace the art of self care.

meaning of self care

meaning of self care can be different for anyone it could be reading a book, spending time with family and friend, go for a walk or doing a proper skincare routine which you have been neglecting from past week.

no matter what the mean for self-care is but meaning will always be same which means doing something for yourself to relax and unwind from the daily hectic routine.

Today, we bring you a comprehensive self-care guide that will empower you to reach new heights of productivity and creativity while ensuring you stay physically, mentally, and emotionally healthy.


after a long day of writing, attending meetings and doing all the work its crucial to unwind and find amidst the chaos. whether you crave for chirping of birds or calming waves of ocean, you need to go out and spend some time with nature.

studies have shown that nature has ability of healing, experiments have also found that being with nature improves working memory, cognitive flexibility and attentional control.

you can go to nearby park, your garden or if its not possible you can use app called “Nature Sounds Oasis”

it has app with different sounds of nature which can help you to feel and relaxed.

Maintain posture

Hours of hunching over your keyboard can take a toll on your posture and overall health.

maintaining a good posture can give a great help for your health, tray to maintain a good posture by adding some posture exercises in your routine.

you can do these exercises by sitting or you can add them while you workout by taking some time out for stretching.

Organize your ideas

the jumble of thoughts and ideas could be overwhelming and hindering your creative flow.

map out your concepts, connect related ideas, and unlock the full potential of your imagination by organize your thoughts

drop your thoughts on a piece of paper or you can use app.


it means doing something by being present in the present moment, no matter what we are doing there thousands of thoughts and ideas going in our brains.

you can calm it by being mindful, you can add some mindful practices,

these include mindful meditation, mindful eating or simply by walking and being present.

These were few of the tips you can use to incorporate self-care in your routine. Hope you found these helpful if did you can share which one you will use.

please share you feedback in chats, you can support this piece of content by buying me a cup of coffee.



Jyoti Massey

Email copywriter, talks about how emails can benefit you, (profile by ddraw on freepik)