W-Foundation links up with UNFCCC at ADB (Asia Development Bank)’s 2nd International Forum on Low Carbon Development for Cities

W Green Pay
3 min readSep 6, 2019


Dr. Youree Lee, CEO of W-Foundation and CBO of PeerTec, spoke passionately on the critical role of social innovation for low carbon development at ADB’s 2nd International Forum on Low Carbon Development for Cities, held at Millennium Seoul Hilton over 2–5 September 2019 in Seoul Korea. The forum focuses on the central importance of cities in charting a low carbon development path for the entire globe and the role of smart, innovative technologies to make this happen.

In a much anticipated session moderated by Niclas Svenningsen of UNFCCC — “Social Innovation for Low-Carbon and Sustainable City Development” — Dr. Lee highlighted W-Foundation’s HOOXI App and W Green Pay (WGP) blockchain initiative as a compelling example of the use of advanced technologies in blockchain and social media to drive social innovations that contribute to the reduction of GHG (Greenhouse Gases) emissions. She also shared her insights in a widely attended panel discussion on the same topic with four other expert panelists: Ling Huang, Urban Planning Department at Chongqing University, Aisa Tobing, Senior Adviser to Governor of Jakarta and Deputy Secretary General at CityNet, Virinder Sharma, Sustainable Development and Climate Change Department at ADB and Wang Wenqiang, President of Jiangxi Sino-Carbon Technology Co., Ltd.

Dr. Lee emphasized that “it was an absolute pleasure and a privilege to join colleagues from UNFCCC and other respected institutions to highlight the importance of social innovation in low carbon development,” and added that “there is a clear expert consensus on the criticality of harnessing advanced technologies to drive social innovations that directly impact how people think and behave about climate change.”

About W-Foundation

W-Foundation is an accredited international non-profit organization founded in 2012. W-Foundation is committed to leading and enabling a broad-based public support for nature conservation, climate change mitigation and immediate relief for refugees impacted by climate change and natural disasters. W-Foundation partners with like-minded individuals, corporations and organizations around the world to build and sustain a broad-based movement to making a difference for our shared future. W-Foundation is a global partner of UN Climate Change Secretariat (UNFCCC) for promotion of climate action around the world.

About W Green Pay (WGP)

WGP is the cryptocurrency disbursed by HOOXI App to reward individual citizens’ Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emission reductions. HOOXI App is the mobile app platform supporting W-Foundation’s HOOXI Campaign, a global campaign to mobilize individual citizens to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and mitigate climate change. Since HOOXI App’s launch in Dec 2018, top 20% of users on the HOOXI App have been rewarded every month based on their climate action activities. WGP is listed on a number of global and national exchanges.

About PeerTec

PeerTec is a member of Peer (peer.com). Peer is a blockchain group composed of blockchain fintech (PeerTec), media (Blockinpress.com), POS/validator (Hashtower.com), industry hub (Upground.com), technology lab (Actwo Lab), research center (Finector.com), global forum (Deconomy.com) and ​financial services (GDAC.com).



W Green Pay

The reward method of HOOXI App to its users' GHG reduction efforts.