Do Software Developers Need to be Good at Math?

Career Beast
6 min readJun 14, 2022


You’re prepared to take the leap and start learning programming to become a software developer, but you may have heard developers need to know a lot of advanced math topics. However, that isn’t necessarily the case.

Software developers need to be good at basic math, but it’s not a general rule that every programmer needs advanced math skills. Developers that focus more on user experience or build software that users interact with directly such as web developers, mobile developers, or windows programmers only use elementary math techniques, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. However, if you want to get into game development, artificial intelligence, graphics programming, or embedding programming, you may need to brush up on more advanced topics.

You do not need crazy math skills to become an excellent developer — you need problem solving skills. Developers frequently look up how to implement algorithms and use repeatable solutions to solve problems. You don’t need a Ph.D. in math in order to successful.

Math probably won’t be your limiting factor unless you’re trying to get into advanced computer science topics.

What skills do developers need?

There aren’t many jobs that require knowledge of so many different subjects.

Software developers need to have a firm grasp of computer science and programming languages, as well as business analytics and statistics (in some cases).

But what exactly does it take to be a successful software developer? And can you become one if you don’t enjoy studying or aren’t naturally gifted in math?

To answer these questions, we first need to understand what makes a successful software developer.

A software developer is someone who programs computers to make complex tasks easier for other people. They might use their programming skills to write custom software for businesses, or they might work on web apps that anyone can use. Regardless of the type of software developer you want to become, it’s important to know your strengths and weaknesses.

You also need an understanding of how to improve your skills so that you can continue pursuing your career goals.

How to be a successful software developer?

In order to be a successful software developer, you need to have strong coding skills and the ability to create new software.

It’s also important to know how to use the right tools and manage your time effectively.

The main way to become a successful software developer is to learn how to code in different languages that correspond to different platforms or parts of the application you’re responsible for.

If you’re interested in web development, you should learn a backend language (such as Python, Java, or C#), a frontend language (such as JavaScript or TypeScript), and a database language (such as Structured Query Language, MongoDB Query Language) so that you understand how the different parts of web applications work together.

If you want to get into mobile development, you should learn languages to build software for mobile devices. Swift or Objective-C for iOS, Java or C++ for Android devices, or you could use C# to develop multi-platform languages and use a tool like Xamarin.

If you want to delve into data science, C++, Python, and R are excellent languages to learn. You do not need to be an expert in each, however. Focus on the requirements for relevant job postings and branch out into other programming languages as needed.

Each platform or technology has a primary language or set of programming languages that are used. If you want to know the most popular programming languages, check out this article.

Get math basics right first

Before you start learning how to program, you’ll need to get a firm grasp of the basic principles of math. For example, you should know the difference between multiplication and division and how those work with fractions.

You should also understand what is meant by an integer (a whole number) and be able to calculate the number of whole numbers between any two integers (using subtraction).

You can build your knowledge of math by exploring different resources, including textbooks or online tutorials. Khan Academy is a great resource to improve your math skills.

Once you have a solid foundation in math fundamentals, you can start learning more advanced topics like calculus or trigonometry if you want to go deeper into computer science. Khan Academy is a great resource for advanced topics as well.

Learn programming languages

Programming is a skill, but it’s also an art.

As a software developer, you need to know programming languages like C++, Java, and Python to build complex software solutions.

Knowing how to code in different languages will give you the flexibility to work on projects that require various levels of knowledge and expertise.

You’ll be able to work on simpler tasks without needing more complicated knowledge of computer science or coding because the languages or frameworks you use will handle a lot of the complexity involved.

When you’re ready to gain a more advanced understanding, you can improve your skills by taking online courses or working with programming mentors.

Online courses are less expensive than in-person sessions and they offer the flexibility to learn at your pace while still being able to meet deadlines for your job.

Want more tips? Here are 39 ways to get better at writing code.

Keep your skills up to date

The number one thing that will keep your skills as a software developer up to date is continuing to learn.

This might sound like an easy task, but it’s not.

With the rapid changes in technology, there are new programming languages being developed every day and new platforms popping up.

You need to stay on top of these trends to keep up with the latest technologies and languages, at least a high level.

Also, you should learn new ways to code so that you can develop programs that capitalize on emerging technologies and platforms.

If you don’t know what language or platform to learn next, try looking for tutorials online — there are loads of free resources out there!

Don’t forget about business skills

Software developers are also in demand for their business knowledge.

For example, companies want to hire software developers who can talk about the latest technologies and trends in the industry.

With an understanding of marketing, business analytics, and statistics, a software developer can help a company improve its bottom line by increasing sales and reducing waste.

A good software developer is someone who’s able to problem-solve and work on a variety of tasks. They not only have great programming skills but also possess business skills that will benefit them even after they’ve stopped coding.

You should learn the key skills for the industry you’re working in as well as your programming skills.

If you want to work at a company like PayPal, you should learn more about banking and finance. If you want to work at Google, you should learn more about advertising. If you’re interested in Meta, learn more about social media and advertising.

You can research your target company’s primary business model to better understand what additional subjects to focus on.


Do software developers need to be good at math? The answer is no!

Software developers do need to be good at math in every case. You don’t need to be an expert in mathematics to succeed in this career.

Software development is all about problem-solving.

If you learn the basics and then develop your skills, you’ll be just fine.

If you have any other tips or questions I can help answer, please let me know!



Career Beast

Senior technology leader passionate about mentoring others in technology, communication, and leadership skills. —