{Metropoly.io is the best Project In future PROJECT }

9 min readOct 30, 2022


#presale $METRO #realestatenft

Onboarding: How to Get Smarter and Happier Users:………………

Onboarding, though often overlooked by product managers, can be the difference between users sticking around or abandoning your product. In fact, companies with positive onboarding experiences see up to 47% lower churn rates than those that don’t prioritize it during their new user experience design (NUX). To get smarter and happier users through onboarding, keep this three-step process in mind.

Why do people leave?
People leave because they feel overwhelmed, confused, or frustrated. The average app loses 80% of its users within the first 3 days of downloading. This is where onboarding comes in. Onboarding is a process that aims to help guide new users through the experience so they can quickly understand how things work and get started with the app successfully. It can also be used as a tool to make sure that all features are explained in detail so that new users can find value right away. According to NN Group, when developers have invested more time in user onboarding, they have seen up to 400% higher conversion rates. But how do you actually go about designing a successful user onboarding? Here’s a few tips:
1) Set expectations from the beginning by using language that reflects what people will be doing on your site.

The blockchain is a new and revolutionary technology that will continue to change the world in ways you can’t even predict. One way it will likely change the world is with property ownership. Property ownership has been a cornerstone of civilization for thousands of years, but now, with the blockchain, there is an opportunity to modernize the process and make it more secure for everyone involved.

Blockchain technology offers a decentralized, tamper-proof way to store information about property ownership. This could help reduce instances of fraud and property scams. It could also improve security and reduce instances of fraud by making it more difficult for criminals to steal information from government records or falsify documents.

Additionally, a blockchain-based system would be more transparent than current systems, which could allow citizens to easily verify that their government is operating legally. This is where Metropoly comes in. Metropoly is a blockchain-based platform that makes investing in real estate easy. Using its NFT system, you can buy and sell your properties easily and quickly.

Even better, since it’s all digital, you don’t have to deal with the hassle of paperwork or the headaches that come with doing business with other people. With Metropoly, you can get started right away and begin making passive income right away.

And when you’re ready to sell your property, instead of having to wait months or years like in the traditional market, you can sell within seconds! All of this is possible because have put property ownership on the blockchain. The blockchain allows us to digitize property ownership and ensure transparency throughout the process — from purchase to sale to management of your property.

Metropoly, Easiest Way To Invest in Real Estate Blockchain:…………….

Metropoly is a platform that combines Investing in Blockchain Technology, and Real Estate. Metropoly brings you the best from each of these worlds, making real estate investing accessible to everyone. It is never been so easy and affordable to buy real estate NFTs with experts hand-selected properties worldwide using all the relevant information at their disposal. You can buy real estate NFTs and get monthly income, then you can sell it anytime within seconds.

You will connected it with your wallet on either MetaMask or Trust wallet. You can immediately start searching for premium apartments, penthouses, and villas in the most popular cities.

Metropoly is the easiest way to invest in Real Estate. With this platform, start investing in real estate for as little as $100, and create a portfolio of income-generating properties. Use our state-of-the-art platform to track your earnings, view your holdings, and make passive income.

All properties are hand-selected by our team of experts and can be purchased directly from your dashboard. From there you can track their performance, view your holdings, and make passive income without ever having to worry about maintenance fees or dealing with tenants.

Technology Use in Metropoly
Powered by Ethereum, Metropoly is using its unique network of fractionalized physical property rights as its foundation. A user who owns a single property can earn from another user who wants to rent it out or buy it. They’ll then vote with other users on how to best invest this money back into the real estate market and community for a higher return on investment next time around.

Metropoly is the first blockchain real estate marketplace that lets you purchase a tokenized fractional share of a property. In the past, owning a property meant paying off your mortgage before you could sell it. The Metropoly token makes this obsolete by enabling you to sell instantly on the NFT exchange as soon as you’re ready. You’ll have access to more offers, and they will be more competitive than ever before.

With blockchain platform has been built on the Ethereum blockchain and enables you to borrow against your holdings and store them securely in your Metropoly Wallet or any third-party ERC-20 compatible wallet.

As Metropoly explore the future of blockchain technology, this platform look forward to a world where real estate is less restrictive, where universal ownership and fractionalization are possible, and where every owner can trade their assets easily. In mission is to create a new vision for real estate with this peer-to-peer platform and bring people together from all over the world to invest in their future — one home at a time.

The importance of onboarding
An onboarding process should provide new users with the information, tools, and resources that they need for a successful first experience. It is an opportunity for a company to set up their product so that it becomes intuitive for the user. A successful onboarding process will give your customers what they need from the get-go. They’ll be able to get acquainted with your app or service without having any questions pop up later on because they weren’t provided with the necessary information. Onboarding can also serve as a way of setting expectations and rules with your customer base. If you’ve created specific guidelines for how to use your product, make sure that you put them in the onboarding process so that there’s no confusion about how things are supposed to work. And don’t forget to include all of the tips and tricks that really help your customer succeed! The purpose of onboarding is not only to teach people how to use your product, but also to teach them why they would want to keep using it.

Why onboarding fails
One of the reasons that onboarding fails is because it relies on users having a high level of self-efficacy. This means they believe they are capable of learning new things, which isn’t always true for everyone. For example, in one study people were asked how confident they were in their ability to use Facebook. Some people didn’t know what Facebook was so they couldn’t rate their confidence with anything more than guessing, while others could rate themselves as being extremely confident. The group who didn’t know what Facebook was rated themselves as less capable of using it than those who did. When this happens it may be a sign that you need to change your strategy. Another reason why onboarding may fail is because some people don’t have good initial impressions when trying something new. Studies have shown that even if someone has no idea what a product does, they will still get an impression from looking at the logo or company website before they try it out. If their first impression isn’t positive, then chances are they won’t bother trying out your app or service at all.

What you can do about it
Create an onboarding experience that’s on par with your product. If you’re building a social network, for example, make sure the onboarding process gives new users a taste of what they can expect from the app. — Keep it short. A user’s first impression of your app is formed within 90 seconds, so give them just enough time to get acquainted before throwing them into the deep end. — Provide clear instructions. The more steps someone has to go through in order to understand how your product works, the less likely they are to use it again. Be direct with new users about why they need certain permissions or what a button will do. The simpler you keep things, the less confusing and overwhelming they’ll be as well. It may take some trial and error to find out what makes sense for your product, but don’t skimp on this step. It could mean the difference between people who love using your app (or at least don’t hate it) and those who delete it after only one session.
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Your Article Link: The importance of onboarding
An onboarding process should provide new users with the information, tools, and resources that they need for a successful first experience. It is an opportunity for a company to set up their product so that it becomes intuitive for the user. A successful onboarding process will give your customers what they need from the get-go. They’ll be able to get acquainted with your app or service without having any questions pop up later on because they weren’t provided with the necessary information. Onboarding can also serve as a way of setting expectations and rules with your customer base. If you’ve created specific guidelines for how to use your product, make sure that you put them in the onboarding process so that there’s no confusion about how things are supposed to work. And don’t forget to include all of the tips and tricks that really help your customer succeed! The purpose of onboarding is not only to teach people how to use your product, but also to teach them why they would want to keep using it.

Why onboarding fails
One of the reasons that onboarding fails is because it relies on users having a high level of self-efficacy. This means they believe they are capable of learning new things, which isn’t always true for everyone. For example, in one study people were asked how confident they were in their ability to use Facebook. Some people didn’t know what Facebook was so they couldn’t rate their confidence with anything more than guessing, while others could rate themselves as being extremely confident. The group who didn’t know what Facebook was rated themselves as less capable of using it than those who did. When this happens it may be a sign that you need to change your strategy. Another reason why onboarding may fail is because some people don’t have good initial impressions when trying something new. Studies have shown that even if someone has no idea what a product does, they will still get an impression from looking at the logo or company website before they try it out. If their first impression isn’t positive, then chances are they won’t bother trying out your app or service at all.

What you can do about it
Create an onboarding experience that’s on par with your product. If you’re building a social network, for example, make sure the onboarding process gives new users a taste of what they can expect from the app. — Keep it short. A user’s first impression of your app is formed within 90 seconds, so give them just enough time to get acquainted before throwing them into the deep end. — Provide clear instructions. The more steps someone has to go through in order to understand how your product works, the less likely they are to use it again. Be direct with new users about why they need certain permissions or what a button will do. The simpler you keep things, the less confusing and overwhelming they’ll be as well. It may take some trial and error to find out what makes sense for your product, but don’t skimp on this step. It could mean the difference between people who love using your app (or at least don’t hate it) and those who delete it after only one session.

For more details about the Project check below:…

websaite Link: https://www.metropoly.io/

Telegram Link: https://t.me/metropolyio

Twitter Link: https://twitter.com/metropoly_io

Youtbe Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_CpWxOAvzJByBemha8r2SA

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