Why Gravity Is Not a Force: A Deep Dive into Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity

Lance Mbugua
3 min readJul 7, 2024
Photo by Ashley Bean on Unsplash


Gravity, the force that holds us firmly on the ground and dictates the motion of celestial bodies, is often taken for granted as a fundamental force of nature. However, according to Einstein’s general theory of relativity, gravity is not a force at all. This concept is not only revolutionary but also challenging to comprehend. In this article, we will explore why gravity is considered an illusion and how Einstein’s theories fundamentally changed our understanding of the universe.

The Happiest Thought of Einstein’s Life

Einstein’s groundbreaking realization stemmed from a simple yet profound thought experiment. He imagined a man falling off the roof of a house. Surprisingly, this thought brought him great joy, not out of schadenfreude, but because it led to a pivotal insight: the falling man would feel weightless, experiencing a state of free fall where objects around him would appear stationary or in uniform motion relative to him.

Inertial Frames and the Equivalence Principle

Einstein extended this idea by comparing it to a scenario in deep space, far from any massive objects, where an observer would feel no weight and…



Lance Mbugua

Hi there, my name is Lance and I'm here to share what I've learned. I hope you find the articles entertaining as well as informative. Let's have a blast!