Can Women Get Prostate Cancer? Understanding the Facts, Symptoms, and Diagnostic Challenges

Lenna Valdovinos
6 min readMay 15, 2024


Get money transfer on Discover the truth about prostate cancer in women, including its rarity, symptoms, and diagnostic challenges. Learn how to differentiate between prostate cancer and other gynecological conditions, and empower yourself with knowledge for early detection and intervention.

Prostate cancer is commonly associated with men, given that the prostate gland is exclusive to the male reproductive system. However, there have been instances where women have been diagnosed with prostate cancer, albeit extremely rare. In this article, we explore the phenomenon of prostate cancer in women, shedding light on its occurrence, symptoms, and diagnostic complexities.

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Understanding Prostate Cancer in Women

While women do not have a prostate gland, they do possess paraurethral or Skene’s glands, which are believed to be embryological homologues to the male prostate. In rare cases, these glands can develop cancerous growths similar to those found in the male prostate.

Rarity of Prostate Cancer in Women

Prostate cancer in women is exceptionally rare, accounting for less than 0.1% of all prostate cancer cases diagnosed worldwide. The limited presence of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) in women’s blood makes the detection of prostate cancer even more challenging.

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Symptoms of Prostate Cancer in Women

The symptoms of prostate cancer in women may mimic those of other gynecological conditions, leading to diagnostic confusion. Common symptoms may include:

  • Pelvic pain or discomfort
  • Urinary symptoms, such as frequency, urgency, or difficulty urinating
  • Blood in the urine or semen
  • Painful intercourse
  • Lower back pain or discomfort

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Diagnostic Challenges

Diagnosing prostate cancer in women poses significant challenges due to the absence of a palpable prostate gland and the limited utility of PSA testing. Imaging studies, such as transvaginal ultrasound or pelvic MRI, may aid in visualizing abnormal glandular structures or masses in the pelvis.

Treatment Options

Treatment options for prostate cancer in women may include surgical removal of the affected glandular tissue, radiation therapy, hormone therapy to suppress tumor growth, or chemotherapy in advanced cases. The choice of treatment depends on factors such as the extent of cancer spread, tumor aggressiveness, and individual patient preferences.

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Empowering Women with Knowledge

While prostate cancer in women is exceedingly rare, awareness of its possibility is essential for timely diagnosis and intervention. Women experiencing symptoms suggestive of prostate cancer should seek medical evaluation by a qualified healthcare professional to rule out other potential causes and ensure appropriate management.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1. Can women really get prostate cancer?

Yes, although extremely rare, women can develop prostate cancer due to the presence of paraurethral or Skene’s glands, which are anatomical homologues to the male prostate.

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2. What are the symptoms of prostate cancer in women?

Symptoms may include pelvic pain, urinary symptoms (such as frequency or blood in the urine), painful intercourse, and lower back pain. However, these symptoms can overlap with other gynecological conditions, making diagnosis challenging.

3. How is prostate cancer diagnosed in women?

Diagnosis may involve imaging studies such as transvaginal ultrasound or pelvic MRI to visualize abnormal glandular structures. Biopsy of suspicious lesions may be performed to confirm the presence of cancerous cells.

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4. Is there a screening test for prostate cancer in women, similar to the PSA test in men?

Due to the limited presence of PSA in women’s blood, traditional screening tests for prostate cancer are not applicable. Diagnosis relies on clinical evaluation, imaging studies, and tissue biopsy.


while prostate cancer in women may be a rarity, its recognition and understanding are vital for comprehensive healthcare delivery and patient advocacy. Continued research, education, and awareness efforts are essential to furthering our understanding of this unique aspect of women’s health and ensuring optimal care for all individuals.

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Lenna Valdovinos

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