The Mystical Connection of Twin Flames: Exploring the Deepest Soul Bond

5 min readMay 27, 2024


Hey guys! Penny here. I’ve been wanting to type something about twin flames for a while now, but I was not sure how or where to start.

A warm October evening. I was ascending the stairs of my dorm. I see a man in a black coat, trying to carry his suitcases to the upper floor. I realized we were going to be living in the same flat that year. He felt familiar, something in his gaze that screamed ‘home’ to me. I didn’t have to google “Is he my twin flame?’’ articles because my soul knew. It was a very painful journey because, as the saying goes, twin flames can never end up together. This is the nature of this journey. I never knew how something could be this deep yet so painful in my life. Me and my twin flame’s relationship felt like walking on a tightrope. I never experienced something this daunting yet so beautiful in my life.

We were friends at first. We clicked immediately. I felt very safe in his presence. Synchronicities were a lot. The pull was intense. Just looking at his eyes was enough to be in his magnetic field. He used to call me while I was thinking about him. The union we had felt magical, yet it felt one-sided. I mean, he was the one who was not able to see the whole thing. I always felt like that.

Then, I started falling for him. Little did I know, he was the runner on this journey, and my love was unrequited. It hurt and felt like I was not going to be able to move on, but eventually I did.

I wanted to type this post in order to help anyone who is going through this journey right now. Chances are, even if you don’t believe in a twin flame idea, in your 20s, you’ll most likely experience something like this in order to grow and learn a big lesson regarding relationships. I did not have a guide while going through these emotions and processes in my life, so I really hope this can help some of you!

What might be the possible signs that you have met your twin flame? Mind you, these are not the basic ones you can read in a random article.

1)Your soul knows. When you are tuned to your higher self, your gut feeling will always be right. And if you have this feeling that this person might be your twin flame, chances are it’s true.

2) You click from the first moment. With my twin flame, it felt like I had known him for a very long time. We never had that awkward initial phase. We bonded from the very first day.

3) You enjoy their presence. When you are together, you feel a warm feeling inside, as if they are home or a place you are most likely familiar with.

4) The connection doesn’t feel forced. The conversations we had flowed, and we didn’t do anything artificial about it. He used to teach me about his own culture and religion without knowing that I was already interested in these topics. We found very common points during our normal conversations.

Photo by Joao Victor Heinrichs on Pexels.

5) However, you don’t see eye to eye. After the initial phase, either you or your flame has to be the ‘runner’ and one of you has to be the ‘chaser.’ In our scenario, he was the runner. He only wanted the physical thing and didn’t want to go beyond it. The chasing process is the one that will wreck your soul into pieces. When you are in this stage, please do not force anything. Your flame won’t see the holiness of the connection if they are not tuned to their higher selves.

Photo by Cottonbro on Pexels.

6) You feel them right next to you, even though they are not there. This is a wild thing to experience. Sometimes, you feel their presence while you are thinking about them. Sometimes, the minute you reach for your phone to text them, you will see that they are already typing a text to you. For me, even when we were on the phone, I always felt like he was next to me. I felt a warm sensation in my body whenever I was on the phone with him. I realized distance was just an illusion.

7) They reflect the parts you don’t like about yourself. Your flame is your other half, and like it or not, they are responsible for your soul’s growth, so they will reflect what you think is bad about yourself.

8) You cannot hate them, even if you try to. I felt remorse, I felt angry, and I felt every negative emotion towards my flame when I learned he was not in love with me. However, I forgave him and stopped blaming him after a while. I can never be fully angry at him, even if I want to.

9) People will say that you guys think alike. Often times, our mutual friends used to be very surprised when we both gave the same advice to them without knowing about the other’s response. Crazy, I know!

Photo by RDNE Stock Project on Pexels.

Final Thoughts

A twin flame connection is the hardest connection you will face in your life. I always felt like we were two divorced parents, and we would eventually have to talk or connect again. It happens naturally, even if you both dread it. As TSwift says in ‘loml’, “Who’s going to stop us from waltzing back into rekindled flames if we know the steps anyway?” That’s how the twin-flame connection works. Focus on yourself and your life path. Your twin flame will always be there in your life, supporting you behind the scenes. You will always feel connected to them in 5D, but not in 3D. It’s in its nature; it can never last in the physical realm.

