Sarla Manchanda
5 min readAug 24, 2023


What do we mean when we say that we should take care of certain points while constructing or renovating a house?

You may live in a rented house or buy one already made or get one constructed yourself to your liking. In every case you need to take care of certain issues as per your requirements to make life more comfortable for yourself.

Your Architect will take care of major requirements and principles as he is trained in the art and science of buildings, yet you may consider/ recheck on some of the following points:

1. When you look at the elevation (front look) of a building, you will notice the grill of the railing of balconies is either horizontal or vertical. It is recommended that the railing should not be horizontal as small children have a tendency to climb up and peep outside from any floor. Their head being heavier than the rest of the body, at times they are likely to lose their balance and fall, which can be fatal. In case of vertical railing, the open spaces between the bars should be narrow so that no child can pass through them.

2.Though there are norms for the height and width of the steps, yet they are not followed all the time, I have experienced that even in many authorized Society- flats the height of steps is rather higher, which makes climbing uncomfortable and tiring. The width and design of the staircase, especially at turning points should be such that it is comfortable to move the household furniture up and down and there should be no problem.

3. All switches for lights, along with those for fans should, at entry points or just on entering, so that one does not have to hunt for them in the darkness. It is preferred that switches are marked for lights and fans for convenience.

4. One should try to take out space for a powder room / small toilet with a washbasin and WC near the drawing and dining areas so that guests can use it without passing through the bedrooms.

5.The number of toilets in a house should depend on the number of members and the timings they have to go for studies or work.

6. All toilets should have exhaust fans for proper exchange of air. The lower end of toilet doors should have grooves so that moist air is able to escape even when exhaust fan is not on. The grooves should be slanting so that they are ‘non — see — through’.

7. Toilet seats preferably be wall hung / lifted from the ground so that it is easy to clean the floor below,

8.All the spaces in the house should be easily approachable for proper cleaning.

9. One should always keep the likely future expansion in mind as a house is going to stay for number of years. The scope of modifications should also be there.

10.The kitchen must have a window as well as exhaust/ chimney, otherwise you are likely to be denied a piped cooking gas connection.

11. The size of the shelves in the kitchen should be as per your individual requirements so as to save space.

12. Take care that where ever the refrigerator is kept, there should be free circulation of air all around it particularly at its back, so that the heat generated is continuously dissipated.

13.There should be underground tanks for collection of municipality water from where it is pumped to water tanks kept at roof tops.Water tanks should have sensors which monitor the water pump.

14. The designing of the house should be such that the house gets enough natural light and is well lighted. There should be no need of artificial lighting during the day. To get more light even artificial glass (mirrored acrylic sheets) can be placed on window sills and places where natural light is falling which in turn can be reflected into the rooms by adjusting the angle of the light falling.

15. To cut down on cost of double doors (glass and wire mesh) on windows, one can have only glass doors and have rectangular wire mesh boxes outside the window. This will also protect air conditioners (particularly on ground floor) and also make the house mosquito free.

16.The electric wiring is either of Copper or of Aluminium, both are good conductors of electricity.Copper is a better conductor of electricity than Aluminium and its wiring is stronger and long lasting, hence is preferred over Aluminium wiring. Aluminum wiring, however, is more flexible, lighter and more malleable making it easy to work with in small spaces.

17. The doors, double doors, bolts, chains and locks should be of standard quality, especially at entry doors and back doors for proper security of the house. The bolts should not be too high, particularly in toilets from inside.

18. If proper and regular service is available for maintenance, try to install solar lights in the house and solar water heaters at roof tops.

19. It is desired that the type of wall paints like dry distemper, oil — distemper, POP, acrylic etc. should be decided right in the beginningas it becomes very tedious to change afterwards.

20. All staircases should have railing on both sides of staircase to hold for support.

21. The electric and water meters should be near the entry or exit points of the house so the person taking the readings is not required to enter the house.

22. If there are elderly in the house, we need to have additional fixtures in the house like extra handles and grab-bars, which provide support in getting up and down and move around.

23. Earmark space for a store / space for storage of various household stuff.

24. The House should be energy and resource efficient. LED fittings for lights, BEE 5 star rated air conditioners, Low flow water fixtures, air tight doors and windows should be there for better air conditioning. Use of smart switches / automation devices to save on electricity.

25. Lastly always engage an Architect so that he/ she can transform your ideas into reality while saving you money and time.



Sarla Manchanda

A series of blogs giving a scientific insight into day to day phenomenons