REFINING……. twitter

yehoak on
4 min readMar 20, 2018


none of u are free from sin

so like twitter is gonna stop updating their sorta bad mac app and like thats great bc it was really bad and not good at all, like most of twitter. and now youre gonna have to tweet from web like its 2010 or something. i guess you could use something with really badly named like twitteriffic or or hootsuite or tweetbird or tweettime pro [all the others are real names lol but this one is fake but name yr github project this for me jk ;)]but maybe all those apps should just suck it up and rename themselves

firefox change yr name already (i stole this image from businessinsider plz dont sue)

then i read about this chrome extension called Refined Twitter that sorta cleans up the interface and really makes it minimal but its only for Chrome but what if you want it to be cross platform and you dont know how to make extensions (im a nerd but not that big of a dork about it fyi). i guess you could follow that dev’s guide to making it work on other browsers by installing another extension then doing a bunch of work to add an unsigned extension but why install two browsers to do one thing????

okay so like heres what refined twitter does:

Simplified and improved UI.
Hides promoted tweets.
Auto-loads new tweets in the stream if you’re scrolled to the top. No more [clicking See 3 new Tweets!]
Fixes the file extension when saving images in tweets. No more [foo.jpg_large]!
Uses the system font.
Embeds the photo from Instagram links directly in the tweet.
Improves performance. 1 2
Hides “Liked” tweets in the stream.
Syntax highlighting in code blocks.
Uses the original image in tweet image galleries instead of a downsized version.
Removes the annoying suggestions in the search popover.
Hides “Notifications” activity for new followers and being added to a list.
Prevents DM modal from closing when (accidentally) clicking outside the modal.
Highlight your mentions in the stream
Adds a Likes button to the main navbar
Keyboard shortcut to toggle Night Mode (Ctrl m).

thats a whole lotta things but tbh you can do most of this with ublock₀ (that ₀ stands for Origin lmao) and like not have to have another extension that just like does a bunch of twitter crap. okay like this is what ublock₀ can do:

block ads
block promoted tweet
clean up the interface
some other things not related to twitter

like th other stuff is kinda boring nerd stuff and who cares. wanna block a bunch of interface stuff then check this out!!!!!! you can do all the site clean up by using ublock₀’s element blocking (lol) to block elements (lol) yuo dont wanna see! heres everything you’ll need to open up yr extensions page, go to ublock’s PReferences and paste this into the My Filters section [this looks diff on every browser so im not gonna screenshot this].

# removes Footer box
! 3/18/2018, 7:24:27 PM > .flex-module:nth-of-type(1)
# removes "who to follow" box
! 3/18/2018, 7:24:03 PM > .flex-module:nth-of-type(1)
# removes "invite from email" box
! 3/18/2018, 7:24:12 PM
# removes footer with all the links
! 3/18/2018, 7:26:30 PM > .u-cf
# removes "advertise with twitter" box
! 3/18/2018, 7:24:37 PM
# removes bird logo
! 3/19/2018, 8:28:28 PM
# block trending topics box
! 3/18/2018, 7:24:51 PM
# removes "Messages" text
! 3/19/2018, 8:30:24 PM > .text
# removes "Notifications" text
! 3/19/2018, 10:32:34 PM > .js-dynamic-tooltip.js-tooltip.js-nav > .text
# removes "Home" text
! 3/19/2018, 8:30:35 PM > .js-dynamic-tooltip.js-tooltip.js-nav > .text
# removes "Moments" button and text
! 3/19/2018, 10:16:37 PM > .js-dynamic-tooltip.js-tooltip.js-nav
# removes profile pic box with tweet stats
! 3/19/2018, 11:26:44 PM

this will make it look a lot like this sample image from that dudes github. the cool thing is you can pic and choose what yuo want to keep on and off the page which is why i left those commented lines in there so ya know what is what. i personally keep the profile pic box when im on the main homepage. idk its nice i guess

so like this wont do all the things REfined Twitter does but this will also blcok ads elsewhere so win/win

so like the more you play around with ublock₀ the better ypu’ll get at learning how to mess around with it. the filters and white lists and my rules things can be powerful so like heres some reading: for diving d33p
lifehax article for newbies

boycott everything (we can fight we can win)
error 451

☭ Ⓐ

