Paleo Diet vs Keto

Ryan Shoemaker
7 min readJul 25, 2019


Which low carb diet is right for you?

Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock for the last couple years, I’m sure you’ve heard of the “Paleo Diet.” It is often compared to the Keto diet (which I’ve written about here and here) because they’re both low carb. But they do have some distinct differences. So which one wins the battle of the paleo diet vs keto?

The paleo diet is so named because it’s really just based on the way that humans would likely have eaten during the paleolithic era. It removes the modern day processed foods like grains, sugars, and processed vegetable oils. And this is one of the areas it shares with the keto plan.

Focusing on foods that are high in protein, fiber, and that are low in carbs is the core of the paleo diet. Meats, fruits and vegetables are the primary foods. Other foods, such as whole grains and legumes, are not allowed.

The paleo diet is simply trying to use only those things that would have been naturally available thousands of years ago, which in theory would be healthier.

This focus on protein is one of the big differences between paleo and keto. Keto diets are generally fairly restrictive on protein, and focus very heavily on fats.

The goal of a keto plan is to use fat for energy, to get you into a state of ketosis. In order to do that the diet recommends that as much as 80% of the food you eat be fat based. The popular notion is that it’s a baconfest, but in reality thing like avocados, nuts, seeds, and eggs would be better options.

Both the paleo and keto diets restrict what you can eat

Which is more restricted, paleo diet vs keto?

When comparing a paleo diet vs a keto plan, both obviously have restrictions. A paleo dinner might include vegetables, grilled chicken, and some fruit. No potatoes, no dairy, no grains (pasta), and no processed foods obviously. Not even salt!

Fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts, seeds, seafood, and grass fed meat are the order of the day in a paleo diet. But you don’t have to focus so hard on limiting protein and boosting fat, so you do have some flexibility.

If anything the keto diet is more restrictive. While the paleo diet is low carb, the keto plan takes that to another level. Limiting your intake of carbs to sometimes as little as 20 grams per day eliminates many fresh fruits that you could get away with on a paleo diet. Medium sized bananas for instance have 27 grams of carbs in a single serving.

In the end, if you’re looking for more flexibility in your meal planning, the paleo diet is the better option.

That banana will blow your daily carb allowance on the keto diet

Which diet has more issues?

The change from what was likely a high carb diet to one with limited to severely limited carbs is going to cause you some short term stress. Men’s Health notes that, with the paleo diet you may feel lethargic for a few weeks, but it should pass quickly. The extreme limitation of carbs on keto can lead to what is known as the keto flu, which can include headaches, nausea, and muscle cramping.

You may find yourself with some nutrient deficiencies that require supplementation on either diet. In my article on the keto diet that I mentioned earlier I listed nine specific supplements that you might want to consider.

With the paleo diet, because of the additional flexibility on fruits and vegetables, you have less issues. You may want to consider a calcium supplement, like this one from Vitamin Shoppe, since you can’t consume dairy. Vitamin D might also be a concern because of the dairy restriction, and Vitamin Shoppe also has several great solutions there.

Two other potential shortfalls would be magnesium, and iron. I personally use Magnesium L-Threonate from Double Wood Supplements. It’s highly bioavailable, and also works as a great sleep aid! I would be heading back to Vitamin Shoppe if I wanted to add some iron to my routine.

As is the case with any diet, it’s still important to watch calories. But with keto it is probably less of a worry. If you manage to get into ketosis you’ll be burning fat. Additionally, one of the benefits of the foods in that diet is that you will feel more full, and therefore eat less.

Paleo on the other hand doesn’t really have weight loss as a defined goal. It can work for that, but it’s primarily more geared toward eating healthier. However, if you do manage to lose weight on the paleo diet, you’re more likely to keep it off. Many people who stop keto have weight regain as a major issue.

And the winner is…

On balance, to answer the question I originally asked, which is better, the paleo diet vs keto, I think the paleo diet is a better option. If your immediate short term goal is maximum weight loss and you can fight through the keto flu, maybe that will work. But for long term success and flexibility you can count me on team paleo.

Any statements made in this article, or for any of the individual supplements or plans, have not been evaluated by the FDA. Any information or products discussed are not intended to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent any disease or illness.

You should, before making any changes to your diet or exercise regime, consult a healthcare practitioner before making those changes. You should also speak to your doctor before taking supplements that may interfere with medications you already take, or conditions you may have. Taking multiple supplements, or taking them with prescribed medicines, can cause potentially harmful side effects.

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Having a diet plan can make all the difference to your success

The problem with diets

Unfortunately all diets have one significant hurdle, our ability to stick with them. Keto is much more difficult in that area, as it requires more effort to work out the right foods to achieve, and maintain ketosis. If you decide that the keto diet is the one for you, click over to this article to check into getting a custom meal plan based on your specific needs that may help you with that.

If you’re still here maybe you’ve decided the paleo diet might be a better option. And I have an offer for you that I think can help you with this as well!

You may not realize that the paleo diet is the fastest growing “diet” in the world right now. From celebrities, chefs, elite athletes…even fitness experts-everyone is eager to try it or adopt it.

And for good reason! Because no other diet or eating plan provides so many benefits so fast:

  • Increased Energy
  • Clearer Skin
  • Lean, Muscular Body
  • Enhanced Libido
  • Greater Mental Clarity
  • All Day Stamina
  • Better Workouts
  • And More

The list goes on and on. Talk to anyone who’s actually eaten Paleo for even a full month and chances are, they’ll rave about the changes they started seeing in their body. But as I mentioned, sticking with the plan can be hard.

The biggest complaint I hear from many who try out the Paleo lifestyle is ‘boring’ or that it’s too hard. Often, people learn the core principles, experience results…but then get stuck eating bland meals of the same foods over and over again.

The Paleo Cookbook

Today that problem is completely solved for you with something that Paleohacks have created: their first ever Paleo Cookbook.

Paleohacks is the single biggest online Paleo community anywhere, filled with tens of thousands of people actually THRIVING on Paleo.

Inside the cookbook, you’ll not only get 125+ delicious mouthwatering recipes, you’ll also get some great bonuses as well. All designed to help you get started as fast as possible.

Like the bonus “Paleo 4x Cookbook” which lists some great recipes that only require 4 ingredients to keep it as simple for you as possible. Not to mention there are tons of other bonuses, which you’ll see if you follow the link to their site.

(There’s even a bonus that helps you solve another big problem. Which is how to dine out with friends and have a social life, while staying strictly Paleo.)

And to top it all off, it’s on sale (including well over $100 in bonuses) right now for almost 30% off.

Do you want to eat some delicious recipes as soon as TONIGHT?

Go to the PALEOHACKS to claim your copy of the Paleohacks Paleo Cookbook today, while the discount is still available. Then let me know in the comments which ones you liked, which ones you didn’t, and how it’s working out for you!

Originally published at on July 25, 2019.



Ryan Shoemaker

I have varied interests from cars to coffee and vitamins to fitness. You’re likely to see a bit of everything here, but the focus will primarily be supplements.