Is God Speciesist?

what we can agree on
3 min readSep 9, 2021


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Whether you are Muslim, Christian or Judaist you probably heard claims like this earth, other creatures, and even whole universe were all created only for human beings. Have you ever wonder if this can be a total misinterpretation. Have you thought what if actually your existence is for the benefit of your beloved cat, doggie, or budgie? Before going that far let’s look at how Muslims defend this human superiority thesis and what Qur’an says about it. Muslims generally thinks everything in the universe is created “only” for us by taking verse 16:5 out of its context;

The animals He created, in them is warmness and benefits for you, and from them you eat.”16:5

At the first glance, it seems like God gave some privileges to humans. But, what if we put this verse back into its context? When the other verses of the Qur’an are examined in a comprehensive way, the picture changes. For example, the following verses emphasize that the land was created for all living beings !! Not only for us !!

He raised the sky and He established the balance. Do not transgress in the balance. Observe the weight with equity, and do not fall short in the balance. The earth He has made for all creatures.” 55:7–10

Here the perspective of the Qur’an again differs from the perspective of believers and it rejects this one of the biggest misconceptions of Abrahamic religions. On the contrary of traditional Islam understanding, it says this world exists for all living beings as well as for us. When it comes to the animals, as they exist for us, we exist for them too! We suppose benefit to other living beings as they are benefiting to us in a symbiotic relationship. Moreover, Qur’an encourages us to learn/take lessons from the animals and from the nature by looking at them in several places. For example it says;

“God does not shy away from putting forth the example of a mosquito, or the ones beyond it…” 2:26

It also points out our similarities with other living beings via the following verses;

All the creatures on earth, and all the birds that fly with wings, are communities like you. We did not leave anything out of the book; then to their Lord, they will be summoned.” 6:38

Did those who reject not see that the heavens and the earth were one mass and We tore them apart? That We made from the water all living beings. Will they not acknowledge?” 21:30

As you see, let alone discriminating, Qur’an tells that humans and animals are similar communities that come from the same origin! But why are we still confused? Despite all the evidence shown here, humankind is mostly arrogant towards the other creatures, and God points this arrogance out with kind of Socratic method in the following verses;

So ask them: “Are they the more powerful creation, or the others We created?” We have created them out of sticky clay. While you are admired, they simply mock.” 37:11–12

Obviously with these verses Qur’an does not promote speciesism especially in favor of humans. Then, where is our superiority complex comes from while God says;

Do not walk in the land arrogantly, for you cannot pierce the earth, nor can you be as tall as the mountains..” 17:37.

It is hard to deny that we have this craving to be superior/better as mankind and God knows it. Because, it is embedded into our program. Strangely enough, Qur’an also directs us to a better way to fulfill that desire. According to verse 49:13 the way of being superior is neither by power nor by intelligence;

.. the most superior among you in the sight of God are the ones behaving the most responsibile..” 49:13

God created humans from land and gave them big responsibilities over it. Therefore, we need to know that we have responsibilities towards all beings, not only towards our own species. Qur’an reminds us of our duties and responsibilities in many verses, first to God and then to all of God’s creations. It guides us to be more sensitive and responsible towards others and it does not promote speciesism or any sorts of discrimination. In that case, shouldn’t we start referring to our responsibility rather than our superiority?


