Do people with a very high IQ have a different mindset?

Wheel of Life
2 min readJul 31, 2023


People with very high IQs, defined as having an IQ above 140 or 145, can exhibit cognitive and behavioral differences compared to individuals with average or lower IQs. However, it’s important to remember that intelligence is a multifaceted trait, and high IQ alone does not determine a person’s mindset or personality. Different people with high IQs may have varied mindsets, beliefs, and behaviors based on their unique life experiences, personality traits, and interests.

That being said, some general characteristics and traits are often associated with individuals who have a very high IQ:

  1. Complex Problem-Solving Skills: People with high IQs tend to excel at complex problem-solving tasks and can quickly analyze and synthesize information to arrive at solutions.
  2. High Intellectual Curiosity: They may have a strong desire for learning and intellectual exploration, constantly seeking new knowledge and challenges.
  3. Ability to Connect Concepts: High IQ individuals can often see connections between seemingly unrelated ideas and concepts, allowing for innovative and creative thinking.
  4. Analytical Thinking: They may be adept at analyzing situations objectively and making well-reasoned decisions based on evidence and logic.
  5. Fast Learning Ability: People with high IQs often have a quick grasp of new concepts and can learn new skills efficiently.
  6. Tendency for Perfectionism: Some high IQ individuals may have a perfectionistic streak, seeking high standards in their work and achievements.
  7. Social and Emotional Sensitivity: Contrary to the stereotype of being socially awkward, many high IQ individuals possess strong social and emotional awareness, allowing them to empathize and relate to others effectively.
  8. Preference for Intellectual Challenges: They may seek intellectually stimulating environments, enjoy engaging in debates or discussions, and pursue careers that allow them to utilize their cognitive abilities fully.
  9. Independence and Autonomy: High IQ individuals may value independence and may be comfortable pursuing their interests and projects without significant external guidance.
  10. Intense Focus on Interests: They may have intense interests in specific subjects and invest a significant amount of time in studying and exploring these interests deeply.

However, it’s essential to recognize that individuals with high IQs can have a wide range of personalities, interests, and mindsets. Intelligence is just one aspect of a person’s overall makeup, and it interacts with various other factors, such as emotional intelligence, personality traits, values, and life experiences. Additionally, stereotypes about highly intelligent individuals may not apply universally, and each person’s mindset is shaped by their unique combination of traits and experiences.



Wheel of Life

On a journey to discover life each day. Thinker by habit. Writer by soul.