Mastering the Challenge: A Roadmap to ISC² Cyber Security Certification

Seth Whenton
6 min readJun 22, 2023

Embarking on the journey to become a certified cybersecurity professional may have seemed like a breeze in the beginning, but let me assure you, it’s anything but easy. It demands unwavering dedication, countless hours of studying, and an unwavering determination to overcome the hurdles that lie ahead. As I look back on my own experience, I am excited to share the inspiring story of how I conquered the ISC² Cyber Security Exam in May 2023. In this article, I aim to keep things simple and straightforward, focusing solely on the preparation and strategies that led to my success. So, join me as we unveil the secrets to acing the exam and opening the door to a realm of cybersecurity excellence.

Before you read this, I’m sure you’ve seen a flyer, an article, or a page promoting the popular ISC² course, which is free this year only. I won’t go into detail about how to get started because you can find all of it on this YouTube channel. Follow the steps outlined in the link until you reach the section where you can access the course materials. It should look like this

This covers the various domains such as :

  • Security Principles
  • Business Continuity (BC), Disaster Recovery (DR), & Incident Response Concepts
  • Access Control Concepts
  • Network Security
  • Security Operations

Some tips whiles studying the self-paced training course.

Before you finish each domain, you should come across some flashcards with terms and definitions from that domain. Take your time studying all of those flash cards until you no longer need to flip the card to refer to it. This is normally done prior to taking the short domain mini test. Knowing some key words present in some terms is really helpful in taking this exam. You can skip the podcasts because some of them may be too lengthy. They essentially provide instances of how certain principles were used in real life and their significance.

What next after completing the ISC² self paced online course?

IT DOESN’T END THERE!!! AFTER COMPLETING THE ISC² COURSE!!! Many people expected the exam to be similar to how it was throughout the course, but I can guarantee you that it is not.
The next thing I did that was quite beneficial was to download the Quizlet app. The logo should resemble the image below. It’s accessible on both the app store and the Google Play store.

This app has a variety of flash cards and sample tests that you may use for free. All you have to do is download the app and type “isc cc” into the search bar. While typing, you should begin to see some suggestions. Choose one of those and go through the practice tests and flash cards. You can configure it to display the questions as MCQs, normal flash cards, or even fill ins. I usually studied with the quizlet app a lot throughout working hours and mostly before going to bed to ensure I understood the terms completely.

Additional Course Content

Those with significantly more time and resources could enroll in Mike Chappel’s Cyber Security course on LinkedIn Learning. He provides a wealth of in-depth exam preparation materials. I didn’t pay for it because I didn’t have enough time to complete another course. Fortunately, I discovered some notes written by someone who purchased his course on Reddit. I uploaded it to Google Docs, which you can find here. Take your time going through them and become acquainted with the ones you haven’t seen before. I was astounded to discover a plethora of extraneous information that was not included in the course offered by ISC².

Another useful resource I discovered on reddit was uploaded to GitHub. You can read it by clicking here. It is essentially the ISC² self-paced course but simplified for easier and faster review. I’d recommend you look into it as well.

My study Companion: chatGPT & snapchat

Snapchat’s AI was my mobile tutor, believe it or not. Many people may not realize how useful the sophisticated snapchat AI powered by chatgpt is. Snapchat’s AI was usually helpful when I needed a fast reminder of some abbreviations or terminology. You can literally have a conversation with the AI on snapchat as if it was human. What other better way can you have someone explain something to you so precisely? On top of all that, it is free, fast and very reliable. On PC, I recommend that everyone use the Edge browser to study. The new side bar they added is far too useful. I have chatgpt easily accessible on the sidebar to assist clarify anything in depth for me. “Explain [insert term or topic] as if I were a 10-year-old,” is a frequent prompt for me. It is able to provide you with the finest possible explanation using situations. When you come across a term, word, or abbreviation that you don’t understand, simply highlight it, right-click, and pick “search in side bar.” This opens the side bar for a brief explanation without opening a new browser tab.

Guys, use chatGPT!! These days, it is far too handy for studying..

Practice Tests

Following your study session, you must take a few practice exams. There are two that I will suggest, and they should prepare you well enough before the main exam. The first practice exam I’d suggest offers over 700 practice tests and is provided by Ehab Badwi. To access it on Udemy, click here. This test is highly recommended because it includes tests specifically for each domain as well as a combined test with 200 practice questions. I used this test for practice as an open book test and made notes of terms and stuff I had not heard before. I gradually started passing each test by being persistent and consistent. Although it is quite taxing, the good news is that you can pause it and continue anytime.

After you’ve mastered that practice test and you believe you’re ready to take the exam, I also recommend you purchase this practice test by Paulo and Andree. I purchased it on sale for around $9.99. You should be 100% prepared to write the test once you have scored 70+ on both tests without fail.

I also found this site which also included some free practice tests. It was a little too in-depth because it was for the CISSP exam, but hey, if you can pass those, the ISC² should be easier, right?……. right? 👀.

Last Minute Reviews

This YouTube video was the finest last-minute review I could find. He reviewed all that had been learned and offered some advice, such as the following: If a question asks what should be safeguarded first in order of priority, the answer should always be ensuring the safety of workers or humans. He will also discuss several codes of ethics that you should review before taking the exam. You should be able to discover them here. Take note, a few of them will appear in the exam. This YouTube user also provided a playlist of very difficult ISC² CC questions that demonstrated just how difficult some of the questions may be.


After reviewing all I’ve shown you, I am 100% confident that you will pass the exam with ease. The exam will actually appear to be a stroll in the park if you prepare well. Just remember to be taking breaks while being consistent with your study schedule. With the right mindset and determination, you too can conquer the ISC² Cyber Security Exam and unlock a world of opportunities in this ever-evolving field. Good luck on your path to cybersecurity excellence!

