Vocab : A lightweight online dictionary integration to the command line.

its penut butter jelly time! !!
2 min readFeb 19, 2019


Currently #8 Trending Repo on Github in Python Category!

First things first: https://github.com/Mckinsey666/Vocab. Feel free to send PRs directly and toss out some ideas and advices!

Vocab is a very (very) simple script / command-line-app I wrote to integrate the oxford online dictionary to the command line. It’s really frustrating needing to fire up a bloaty browser, open several tabs, and end up totally hindering your original workflow — when you just want to lookup a word. That was the birth of Vocab.

Demo for Vocab. Look for more in the project repo: https://github.com/Mckinsey666/Vocab

Now people may ask: what’s wrong with dict? (For those who don’t know, dict is the client for DICT, a.k.a. Dictionary Server Protocol, on Unix-Like platforms). Here are some reasons:

  • Vocab has MUCH less verbose search results (mainly because Vocab uses only one source, and the results are filtered).
  • Supports saving words to local dictionary file.
  • Supports adding notes to a saved word.
  • Includes an interactive word quiz to hone your English skills.
  • Comes with colors! (Probably the most important reason)

For a sneak peek, let’s just take a look at the interactive mode.

Interactive mode of Vocab

In a nutshell, Vocab is a great tool for fast query of english words and a good support for ESL users. However, there are still much more that can be done, so tell me about your wished features!

