DIY Coffee Body/Face Scrub

Olivia Savard
3 min readSep 20, 2018


Wake up smelling the coffee before you make it!

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I love the smell of coffee in the morning — I mean, who doesn’t? And, if you have ever tried a coffee scrub in the shower first thing in the morning, it’s hard to go back to normal citrus scrubs. The other day I was browsing the shower aisle in the grocery store and I found a French Vanilla Coffee Scrub that was priced $10.99, which if you ask me, was a little too pricey for someone living on a budget. So, I decided to make my own.

Something to know about me is that I am all about bargains, deals, and life-hacks. After looking through the prices of body and face products, I became slightly obsessed (okay, really obsessed) with making my own products at home for a fraction of the cost. The truth is, with a few essential oils and some coconut oil, you can make the base for almost anything!

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DIY Coffee Body/Face Scrub

Note: Amounts and Measurements are not vital as it is up to personal preference. If you have sensitive skin and do not like heavy exfoliation from the sugar/coffee grounds, then use more coconut oil. If you enjoy the exfoliation, then add more. Basically, do whatever feels best!


  • Coconut Oil
  • Used coffee grounds (not too moist)
  • White Sugar

Optional Extras:

  • Vitamin E Oil
  • Cinnamon
  • Vanilla Essential Oil
  • Essential oils other than Vanilla

When making this I stole the old coffee grounds out of my boyfriend’s re-usable K-Cups. I put the coffee grounds in a re-used Sour Cream container and added equal parts coffee grounds and sugar. I then added a healthy scoop of Coconut Oil (I get the big container from Costco). Lastly, I put in a 2–3 drops of Vitamin E Oil (I use the Trader Joe’s Brand) for added softness. That is all that I used as I like the natural smell of coffee grounds.

As for the Optional Extras, you can add some Cinnamon for added benefits that you can read about here (some of which are acne and/or aging signs). It’s a great cleanser for the skin. If you so not like the pure scent of coffee, I would suggest the essential oil of your choice. I typically steer clear of cheap brands for skin care — I would definitely suggest used NOW Essential Oils.

A few last minute notes:

  • Keep in an airtight container as the moist coffee grounds can “go bad” if too much moisture seeps in
  • I let the coffee grounds dry out for a couple of hours before making my scrub to further lessen the moisture levels.
  • When using in the shower, prepare for little coffee grounds to cover your shower/bath floor (an easy rinse will fix this). Also, due to the use of coconut oil, make sure your water is warm to hot so that it goes down the drain easier. (Also, using it early in the shower helps the draining too!)

And, that is it! A super easy and super cheap coffee face and body scrub for you to use!

Enjoy your mornings!

