I Lost Nearly 60 Pounds When I Gave Up Alcohol

Whitney White
3 min readMay 14, 2018

I can remember it like it was yesterday. Laying in my bed at night, begging God to take away my desire to drink. I had gone from a glass-of-wine-over-dinner-mom to a full blown alcoholic.

My 3-year-long love affair with alcohol snuck up on me out of nowhere. I took a drink one night and for the next two years, a bottle became my daily side piece that I felt protected me from the worries and stress of the world. If something didn’t go my way, a bottle pressed to my lips was the solution.

The last year of my affair with alcohol, however, was much different than the first two. It was like a never-ending hangover. And the only thing that would ease the remnant of the prior night’s drunkenness was another drink.

So there I was drinking. Each. and. Every. Day. I was miserable.

Over the course of three years, I went from little petite 5'2" 110 lbs Whitney to knocking on the door of 170 lbs Whitney, whose body was swollen from all the alcohol. My liver simply couldn’t process the alcohol at the rate I was drinking it.

I can remember begging God every night to please just keep me sober the next day. To please help me lose weight. I was tired of trying to squeeze in size 14 pants when I had went my whole life trying to decide if the size 2 or size 4 pants looked better on…



Whitney White

I spend my days and lots of nights writing for clients from all across the world. A laptop and Field Notes are two of my best friends. www.whitneycann.com