Λόγος Greek Translates Into Logos Into WORD

Whitney White
3 min readMay 7, 2020

Over the past few months, I've collected four boxes of cards that I use to help me grow personally and spiritually:

Praying the Names of God

A 101 Messages to Encourage and Inspire

101 Promises from Psalms

Prayers for my Daughter

In addition to reading through one card from each box every day, I spend my time meditating, doing art, reading through Law of One material and researching L/L Research.

Today, the card I pulled from Praying the Names of God is the one you see at the top of this post. So, I went outside and felt the calling to research and compose the following:

Λόγος Greek Translates to Logos which translates Into WORD

The Greek term Logos was translated in the Vulgate with the Latin Verbum.

Both logos and verbum cover a semantic range similar to (that is, they roughly translate) the Hebrew word דבר Dabar.

The word dabar (Hebrew: דָּבָר) means "word", "talk" or "thing" in Hebrew.[1][2]

Word is a name given to Jesus Christ

As the Logos, Jesus Christ is God in self-revelation (Light) and redemption (Life). He is God to the extent that he can be present to man and knowable to man. The…



Whitney White

I spend my days and lots of nights writing for clients from all across the world. A laptop and Field Notes are two of my best friends. www.whitneycann.com