Online Flash Chat 123

White Flare
2 min readJun 9, 2017


Here we get to know a lot about other cultures by chatting with people from different ethnic groups especially tamil chat users as chatters from all over the world gather here!!! Have Fun!!!

Here in this tamil chat site | online chat site we use 123Flashchat powered software and so all credit can be given to them so we have different rooms such as tamil chat and general chat rooms!!! Enjoy have fun

There are certain rules to be followed while chatting, that are — not to spam other tamil chat links, try to avoid using foul language, Do not share any personal information i.e-pic, Phone number etc in main.

Flash chat is a fast growing application in the world of chatting as you can see I too host one of my own chat services for multiple purposes, If i was to categorize it priority wise i would say the first purpose of opening this tamil chat not only internationally usable chat is to provide the users a fun environment to have chat and at the same time discuss thrilling stories that may have happened in their lives such as spoooooky incidents lol not saying it’s a thing that happens to everyone but there are a lot few that go through scary stuff in their lives. provides our tamil chat users to share their tamil spooky stories that may have incurred in their lives either in india or if they are abroad there too….. Now!!! now!!! who doesn’t like some spooky, chilling stories to be heard before they go to sleep. To be honest im a scaady cat and yet i too find most stories thrilling lol who knows might be wanting to raise some endormphins rush ;) Thanks for visiting please do come again… Please Enter Chat to see for yourselves.

Check out our Behance Page Online chat and Check out our Storify page Chat

