The Most Attractive Body Fat Percentage For Men

Is it possible to be too lean?

Peter W
4 min readJun 17, 2022
Photo by Yogendra Singh on Unsplash

Summer is coming.

Therefore, I have tried in recent weeks to lose fat, after I had gained weight over the winter. Mainly muscle, but also a little fat. During my attempt to get lean, I have watched quite a few videos of Fitness YouTubers.

In doing so, I noticed that these guys seem to be obsessed with being “shredded” or “ripped” as they say. In their opinion, the leaner the better seems to be the rule.

But how do women see it? What body fat percentage do they find most attractive?

Let’s be honest. One of the biggest motivations of many gym rats is to look good without a shirt on and to be ultimately more attractive to the opposite sex.

Photo by Alexander Redl on Unsplash

A Study Might Reveal The Answer

In this article, Business Insider reports on a study that may have found a man’s most attractive body fat percentage.

In the study, 29 women who were in the fertile stage of their menstrual cycle had to rate pictures of 69 white men who differed greatly in body shape for…



Peter W

Student of Life who is writing about what he learns.