This Is The Sexiest Male Body Type According To Science

Do women really like muscles?

Peter W
4 min readNov 17, 2022
Photo by Christopher Campbell on Unsplash

I just came back from the gym.

Like every time, I was surrounded by many guys trying to build muscle.

Even though most of them probably won’t admit it, I’m sure that the main motivation for many of them is to look attractive to women. That’s why there are sayings that gym bros keep saying to their workout partners, such as:

“Curls for the girls” or “More plates, more dates”.

But does lifting weights even help with the ladies? Do women really like muscles?

Let me tell you what science and surveys say.

The Inverse U Hypothesis

I’ve watched some funny videos on Youtube of bodybuilders asking women on the street what body type is most attractive in a man.

This one, for example.

I highly recommend watching it.



Peter W

Student of Life who is writing about what he learns.